Chapter One

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Above:  Courtney Eaton as Alaina


I was running through the forest, arms out and flapping. I soared into a clearing and flopped on the ground.

"Lorelai!" the voice cut through the sunlit clearing, startling me.

"Yes, mommy?" I called back, sitting up.

My mother came into the clearing.

"What are you doing, pumpkin?" her mother reached down to run her fingers through my orange-red locks, "Your getting all dirty!"

I squirmed away. "I'm playing Dragon Riders!" I announced happily.

Mother's face turned stony as she grabbed my hand. "Let's go sweetheart," she began pulling me towards the house.

I went with her. "What's wrong, mommy?" My scared voice softened my mother's face.

"Darling, don't ever play Dragon Riders," she bent down to look into my brown eyes, "Dragon Riders are very, very bad people,"

I didn't really understand, but Mother seemed serious. "Okay, mommy," I replied, making a promise in my heart never to think about Dragon Riders again.

That was twelve years ago.

It was the morning of my eighteenth birthday. As I woke up, I tried to push my dream from my mind. It had been another dream about the Dragon Riders.

"Lorelai!" My mother's voice drifted up the stairs, "Hurry and get dressed!"

"'Kay, mom!" I called back.

I chose a pair of blue jeans and a green, short-sleeved shirt. I dug through my shoe box, finally deciding on a pair of black boots.

"Lorelai, breakfast is ready!" My mother shouted. She sounded kind of angry, but I knew it was just the stress.

Today was not only my birthday, but it was Choosing day, too. Anybody who was eighteen was chosen as an apprentice for some job.

One of those jobs was Dragon Riding.

It was the greatest shame for someone to be chosen as a Dragon Rider. We were all afraid that I would be chosen.

I raced down the stairs and ate a quick breakfast.

"Honey, it's freezing outside. Get a jacket of something" my mother told me.

I raced up the stairs and pulled on a black jacket, zipping it up. Running to the bathroom, I applied some makeup.

I hated makeup, but if I wanted a good mentor, I needed to look nice.

I raced back into the kitchen. "I'm going, Mom!" I called.

"We'll see you in a bit!" She came and gave me a big hug.

I struggled out of her embrace. "Bye, Mom," I waved as I walked out the door.

Running, I managed to catch up to my best friend, Alaina.

"Well, I'm nervous," I said after catching my breath.

"Me, too!" She exclaimed, "What if I'm a Dragon Rider? I'll have no friends!"

I grinned. "Let's promise that we will be friends no matter what!"

"I promise," she answered quickly.

"Me, too," I gave her a hug.

"Come on, Lorelai," she giggled, "We're going to be late!"

Together we ran.


When we arrived we checked in.

"Name?" A guard asked.

"Lorelai Coleson," I replied.

"Alaina Johansson," my friend said.

"You guys may go in," the gaurd waved us through the entrance.

Looking around, we saw many adults from all different jobs.

"Do you see the Dragon Riders?" She whispered.

"No," I answered.

We were forced to part ways when we realized that the seating was in alphabetical order.

"See you soon, Alaina," I squeezed her hand, before walking off to my seat.

As I sat down, I heard a great swooshing sound. Looking up at the sky, I saw giant creatures with people on their back.

The Dragon Riders had arrived.

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