Chapter Eight

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I am a liar, sorry guys. Unfortunately, I was stuck writing as essay, so... quick recap and then we'll go on


"You guys keep looking for eggs you like," I said,  "I'm going to look around this tunnel..." I heard them move off. I turned to continue down the tunnel.

"Hey, wait!" Collin jogged up to me, "I'll come with you." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine," I muttered. He grinned and we walked down the tunnel side by side.

As we reached the end, he ran ahead.

"Lori, you have got to see this!" I was slightly annoyed that he called me Lori, but it didn't matter right now.

"See what, Collin?" I walked up to him to look into the cave.

What I saw there made me gasp.

The cavern itself was dark and cold, a stark contrast from the egg cave. In this small cavern were about a dozen eggs.

Each one was unlike any I had seen in the main egg cave. I saw an egg in many shades of blue, and one with rubies embedded in it. One was black as night with intricate white designs.

"What is this place?" I whispered in awe.

"Welcome, students, to the Cave of the Reborn!" I whirled around guiltily to find an older lady standing on a catwalk high above.

"The Cave of what?" Collin squinted up at her. She smiled.

"The Cave of the Reborn, of course!" Collin and I glanced at eachother, equally confused.

"Reborn?" I asked. She nodded.

"Perhaps I should introduce myself," she began to descend hidden stairs, "I am Gloria Lonstrang," I gasped.

"Headmistress Lonstrang?" I bowed my head, "Er, sorry if we're not supposed to be here!" She waved a hand.

"This place is not off limits at all!" She replied, "No one has ever been able to find this place is all..." she studied us carefully.

"Why?" Collin voiced the question plaguing my thoughts.

"I'm not entirely sure..." she walked over to us. "Any other questions?"

"What do you mean by Reborn?" I questioned.

"These dragons are very special," the Headmistress explained, "These dragons are ancient, always being reborn after they die. When their death occurs, their bodies burn, revealing these eggs. These eggs hold their souls. When the eggs hatch, the dragons live again. No one knows how ancient they are, and know one knows their true power."

"Who was the last person to have such a dragon?" Collin looked intrigued. The Headmistress bowed her head.

"King Dade had that one..." she pointed at the black egg, "He killed it though, but we managed to take the egg."

"The Dark King had that egg?!" We all knew the story of the Dark King.

Once upon a time the kingdom was not divided. It was called Maliko, and all people lived in peace. Then, a man by the name of Draxon had made a deal with Dade. Draxon's dragon had recently died, and Dade supposedly had the power to bring the dead back.

No one knows the specifics, but a unicorn was involved unintentionally. In the end, Draxon had his dragon bacl, but the unicorn lost it's purity, the Shadow Beasts were created, and Dade was fighting to become King. With the help of Draxon, Dade won. The kingdom was destroyed by the rule of Dade.

It was said that Draxon changed and started the order of the Dragon Riders. With his help, the kingdom was split in two and the Dragon Riders inhabited the border, keeping out Dade and his minions. Draxon gave his life for the cause, but no one is sure of he's really the good guy.

"So that is the dragon that killed the royal family?" Collin was unusually silent as I ran my hand along the black egg's smooth surface. It shifted slightly under my touch.

I pulled my hand back and turned to see Gloria beaming.

"The egg chose you!" She exclaimed. I was disgusted.

"But it's an evil dragon!" I protested. Headmistress Lonstrang glared.

"A dragon has to obey it's human, Lorelai. The human was evil, not the dragon..." I blushed and looked down, embaressed.

"So it chose me?" I asked.

"Hmm, well it has been moving some lately, along with a few others. It might not be yours..." I touched the ruby embedded egg, and it too quivered under my touch.

"You have dragon rider blood," the headmistress stroked the blue egg and it quivered, "Special blood..." I heard a bell ring

"I should probably go now..." I walked to the exit, "Collin, you coming?" I turned around.

Collin was standing next to the black egg, one hand on it and whispering something.

"Collin!" He turned around in surprise. I gestured to him to come. He walked over, and with a quick bow to Gloria Lonstrang, we took our leave.

"That was cool!" I smiled at Collin, but he was lost in thought. I remembered how tenderly he had touched the black egg. He had obviously been touched by the eggs, but he also looked a little lost.

I made a quick decision and reached out to take his hand. He looked at me, surprised.

"But... why?" He glanced down at our interlaced fingers. I was slightly regretting this, but I couldn't let go. Instead, I smiled softly.

"You looked like you needed it," he turned away, not complaining, and we walked the tunnel in silence.

Before we returned to our friends, I released his hand. I didn't think anything of it, but I noticed his ears were slightly red.

I felt my own face heat up as I thought about what I'd done. It was so flirty and... arg! I buried my face in my hands.

What is wrong with me?!


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