Chapter 1

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After They left Earth, The crew of the Arcadia fought their way to Venus, where they seem to have found Dark Matter. Instead, they found The Elysium, another deathshadow martyr. With a Dragon skull on the front and a body similar to the Arcadia. "That's The Elysium, how did it survive?" Harlock said.

"This is the captain of the deathshadow martyr, Elysium," a female voice said, "Harlock, I know you are confused about how I survived, I helped you destroy Earth. My ship was transformed like yours and was sent here and we were put in a cryo state until you found redemption. It's me Harlock."

"No, it can't be." Harlock murmured.

"Who is the captain of that ship? Logan asked Harlock.

"She is Captain Lockhart, Halo Lockhart. I thought she was dead like the rest of my fleet. She was the 2nd ship in command behind me. I also love her," Harlock said.

"Harlock, it seems you don't have enough dark matter to get somewhere safe and it's finally killing you isn't it? I will power your dark matter engine, just get close enough I can do it." Halo said.

"Alright. Logan, get us closer to The Elysium!" Harlock demanded.

"Yes, Harlock!" Logan answered.

"We are Ready, Halo." Then Harlock saw Halo fly out of the Elysium. "Halo! What are you doing!" Harlock shouted. Halo had dragon wings laced with dark matter.

"Don't worry," she said calmly, "I will not die." Stopping right in front of the bridge, her wings glowed brighter and a black cloud formed around her. Dark matter started to emit from her body and the cloud. Mimay spoke, "it seems that she is like you Harlock, she lives on the dark matter but it seems to have mutated her to have wings."

"I see that," Harlock said.

"She is giving the engine dark matter," Mimay said, " she creates dark matter." 

Harlock and The ElysiumWhere stories live. Discover now