Chapter 2

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After she finished, Harlock asked her to come aboard his ship, which she did. "Halo! I thought I lost you when I destroyed Earth!" Harlock shouted while Halo ran to him.

"I missed you, Harlock," Halo whispered while in his arms. 

"I missed you too, Halo," Harlock whispered hugging her closer and kissing her forehead.

"Um, sorry to interrupt," Kei blurted out, "but who is she and how exactly did you two meet?"

Halo spoke, loud enough for everyone to hear, "I'm Halo Lockhart, Captain of the deathshadow martyr, Elysium. I was the only female lieutenant to apply to be the captain of a deathshadow martyr. Harlock was my teacher for learning how to control the ship and as soon as battle placements were announced, I was to be the captain of the Elysium, Harlock's right-hand ship. I fell for him about halfway thru the creation of the fleet."

"Halo, let's talk in private." Harlock said calmly, "everyone, please leave Halo alone for a little while."

"Yes sir!" the crew shouted.

Harlock took Halo to his quarters, where they sat in silence for a little while, then Harlock spoke first. "Halo, what happened to your eye?"

"Before I was put in cryo sleep, I..." having a hard time explaining, Harlock grabbed her hand to help her, "I was thrown into the dark matter controls and hit the chain." Harlock stared at her. Her smooth skin, her brown and blond ombre hair, her eye was a dark brown, the scar that crossed her right eye that went from her eyebrow to her cheek, her right eye covered by an eyepatch like Harlock and Logan. "Halo," Harlock asked, "why is your right eye covered?"

"I could ask you the same thing, but I will show you why..." Halo said while she took the eye patch off to reveal a blue-violet eye.

"Why did you cover that eye?" Harlock said.

"I thought everyone would look at me like I was some sort of freak and it makes me have an x-ray like vision because of the control chip from my armor and weapons," Halo said with tears in her eyes.

"You don't look like a freak to me, Halo." He went to her and hugged her.

"Thanks. Now, how about yours?" Halo said sounding like she was cheering up.

"I got shot in the eye, Logan got the same fate and a scar like me. Where did the wings come from?"

"You know how I said I was thrown into the engine controls. I was held there by dark matter and before I was cryogenically frozen, I went thru hell. A little bit before I was frozen, wings were on my back and I stayed in those dark matter restraints until I woke up."

"Halo, I...I..." Harlock started to stutter.

"You don't have to say anything, Harlock," Halo said quietly holding his face in her hands, "I know you think this is your fault, but it's not, it's not your fault I have these wings, that I cannot die or be killed like a normal human, it's not your fault Kelly didn't make it and is now the computer, if it wasn't for you I...I wouldn't have seen you ever again all because I made a promise to follow you no matter what."

"I know you did Halo, we seem to have ended with similar fates," Harlock said looking at Halo who was in his arms.

"It seems we have once again Harlock."

"Hey Halo, do you still have animals?"

"Yes, I still have both of the horses Thunder and Lightning, Beta the Bunny, and I have two new ones, a wolf named Helix and-" Then the alarm started going off to signal enemies nearby. "Time for me to go back to the Elysium, we shall talk later Harlock."

"We shall."

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