Chapter 11

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The Arcadia and the Elysium were in the no man's land when Harlock found out what happened to Halo. Halo was lying on her bed with a bunch of medical equipment attached to her. Her eyes were both blue, there were bandages over every old wound that opened, her wings looked like a torn piece of paper, her dragon tattoo on her left side of her body was blood-ridden, the right side of her head was wrapped in bandages, and all her animals were lying next to her on the floor or on her bed. Harlock and his crew came to see her, even though she was unconscious. "Please be careful around her, you don't want to startle the animals because they are the only thing that is helping her," Kelly said before she let them see her. Harlock went to the far corner of her room where her armor sat in a case, her weapons hanging on the wall around the case or in the case, and her blood-soaked clothes sat on the floor. "This is all my fault. It's my fault she is like this." Harlock said looking at her armor.

"It's not your fault Harlock." He heard her voice in his mind, "It's mine because I was dumb enough to try to take the fleet by myself." Harlock noticed she was talking to him thru their mental link. "Halo, how are you doing this?" Harlock said to her thru the mental link.

"Because you are here, I'm awake enough to talk to you and you are the reason I'm alive here instead of dead in a cell. Come to my bedside, please."

"I will Halo." He told her as he walked over to his crew.

"She looks just like Nami did except not part computer," Logan said as Harlock walked by him.

"Halo," Harlock said as he saw Halo in her state.

"Come here and hold my hand, please? Thunder is being a good guard, as usual, he will let you by but no one else."

"Alright, Halo," Harlock said and Thunder moved so he could reach her. Harlock grab her cold hand and her eyes were back to normal, her horns began to disappear, her wings began to repair themselves, she started to become more alert, she squeezed his hand with as much strength she could muster. "Harlock..." she said in a trembling voice.

"I'm right here Halo," Harlock said as he took his free hand and stroked her cheek.

"I love you Harlock," Halo said as she took the oxygen mask off her face.

"Halo, why did you take the mask off?" Harlock said as she looked up to him.

"You ask me a lot of question and here is your answer," Halo said as she threw her arms around him to get his head closer to hers, then she kissed him.

"Halo can I stay here with you?" Harlock said as he went back to holding her hand. She nodded.

"Everyone it's time for you to leave," Kelly said as her hologram appeared in Halo's room. Harlock's crew left and left Kelly, Harlock, Halo, and her animals. "You too Harlock," Kelly said before she noticed Halo.

"Can... he... stay... here... with me?" Halo said shakily, "h..he is the reason I'm here and he is the reason I woke up."

"Kelly don't mind her, I will leave," Harlock said standing up, preparing to leave.

"Please don't Harlock," Halo said and Thunder stopped Harlock in his tracks.

"You can stay Harlock. Just make sure she rests, please?" Kelly said going to turn off some of the machines that are not needed for Halo anymore.

"I will Kelly," Harlock said going back to Halo's bedside.

"Thank you. I will be back in here in a few hours to check on her." Kelly said disappearing.

"Come here," Halo said Moving over in her bed to let Harlock lay next to her.

"You want to fall asleep in my arms, don't you?" Harlock said sitting on her bed in the space she once laid. She nodded in reply. "Come here Halo," Harlock said picking her up to move her closer to him. Halo changed her wings to a cape so it would be easier for him to hold her while she slept. She laid her head on his chest and could hear his heart. "I will always be your Harlock," Halo said before the rhythm of his heart put her to sleep.

"I love my Halo, no matter what," Harlock said and he kissed her forehead before he fell asleep with her in his arms.

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