Chapter One

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A/N: I dedicated this chapter to Jenny20 because she made my newest cover thank you!

   Also do you like this book and want to vote or maybe leave a comment please do. I love feed back so please let me know how you feel! Besides this is a picture of white eyes, just imgine the eye without the black circle.

      My name is Mia. I am 16, going on 17. l live in Buffalo, New York, or at least I used too. Many things have happened to me in almost a whole year. But I guess if I'm going to tell you my story I have to start from the beginning. Everything started to happen about a week after my 16th birthday. That's when the dreams started.


       Today it was Tuesday, four days after my horrible birthday surprise. For some reason my friends thought it would be nice to put a yellow and green iced cake in my locker. It would have been nice if when I opened my locker it didn't fall on me. But it did and yes I happened to be wearing all white that day. So no, I will not be ever wearing my new white pants and white and blue shirt brought new just for my birthday again.

        In case your wondering I wasn't the only one sabotaged by cake a few people around me also got a splat of yellow and green icing on them too. I find It funny how when the platter clanked onto the floor everyone went quite except for a few other girls that got hit by the cake, screaming. But a few seconds later, a roar of laughter bounced off the lockers. I had never been so embarrassed in my life. The greatest part about that day was that school was over so I was only at my locker to get my things....which were now covered in cake. The laughter was still going on as I slammed my locker and ran out of the school doors phone in hand, I could hear some one calling my name but I didn't care. This was the worst day ever but trying to think positive I remembered there was no school on Friday and Monday so I wouldn't have to come back to school until Tuesday. I called my mom no longer trying to keep my cool I was sobbing when she answered.

       ''Mia why are you crying, did something happen, where are you?'' My mother shouted into the phone worried. I explained what happened trying to keep my voice as clear as possible.

''Oh my goodness Mia I'm so sorry, they didn't mean to embarrass you, I'll be there as soon as I can'' Mom said then hung up.

         It would take her a least twenty minutes to get here. So I walked to the end of the school parking lot and sat down on the sidewalk wishing I could wash the cake off of me,I felt sticky. It felt like I was being watched, I'm pretty sure I was. I could hear students getting into there car still talking about the cake. I wonder how long it would take for this to blow over. I looked over my shoulder and saw a boy standing behind a tree looking at me, he looked transparent. He walked over to me and I wasn't sure if I should wait for him or run away screaming. But as he got closer, his eyes almost looked white I thought it was the sun playing tricks on my eyes. He didn't get close enough for me to get a good look which was okay with me.

       ''Are you Mia Clayborn?" He asked.

        ''I don't know, who's asking?" I replied but he didn't say anything he just walked away. Weird I thought.

      I was actually thinking about it right now as I begged my mom to let me stay home today. But of course she said no and that what happened on Friday was most likely forgotten.

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