Chapter Two

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A/N: I dedicated this chapter to my friend Sara because she has helped inspire me with this story! And besides this is my trailer I made for this book!! Check it out!

     After my unsuccessfully begging to my mom, to let me stay at home I asked.

   ''Mom can't you at least drive me to school? I don't want to deal with everyone staring at me and asking stupid questions.''

    But of course my mom thought I was being over dramatic. ''Mia everyone would probably have forgotten it now''

    I wanted to ask if she was crazy. It has only been 4 days. I don't know what it was like when she was back in high school, but things have changed.

    "Mia, if you don't want to ride the bus, you could always walk.'' said a deep voice behind me. I recognized the voice as my dad's.

   "Good morning dad, I thought you weren't coming home until next week." I said. It wasn't that I didn't love my father but he was always in my business. I couldn't text someone without him asking 20 questions.

     "Hello darling, my trip was canceled. Is that okay with you?" He replied with a tight smile.

       "It's  great with me. I was just wondering." I was lying. There was no way I could go to Matthew's party now. I also knew there was no way they were giving me a ride to school. Once my father said no that was it. With my mom, it was different, but with my dad no meant no.

    Just as I was grabbing my back pack off of the kitchen table, I heared the squeak of a bus wheel. I look at the time, it was ten minutes too early for the bus. It must be the wheels of an heavy truck, I thought. So I didn't rush as I started to get my sweatshirt out of closet I still had ten minutes. After I went up to my room to go get my shoes, I looked out of the window onto the front porch just to see the back of a yellow school bus ride away. My jaw dropped, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Mom!!" I screeched as I ran down the steps, almost tripping on the last stair. I ran into the kitchen to find my parents sitting there at the table as if the world was just fine.

    "Mia." Mom answer calmly, she was always calm when dad was there as if she knew he would fix everything. ''Whats wrong.'' Her calm attitude was pissing me off and making me even more upset.

    ''Um well everything's just fine expect the part where I missed my bus!'' I might have shouted.

     ''Mia'' My dad said firmly in a way that said I'm not arguing with you. ''This is not our fault, you should have been ready for the bus, you know what time it comes.'' I opened my mouth to argue that the bus was early, but he held up his hand to stop me.

   ''I don't want to hear it, I guess you will be walking to school.'' Was all he said.

      I'm pretty sure that by now my mouth was catching flies. I couldn't believe it. There was no way I was going to make it to school on time. I looked at my mom for help but, she just stared down into her coffee. I was so mad. I ran out of the house. I didn't even bother closing the door.

      I ran for about two blocks before I slowed down. I needed to think about how I was going to get to school on time. I couldn't afford detention right now. I wish my parents, mostly my dad, wasn't so strict. I couldn't ask one of my friends to come pick me up, only one of them had a car and he would be half way to school right now.

       I was too deep in thought to notice the car slowly riding along beside me. All of a sudden, a loud honk behind me, startled me out of thought. I looked behind me, it was that boy with the weird eyes from Friday. He was in a dirty looking, banged up, black BMW. As he rolled down his windows, his eyes didn't look weird at all.

       But it was still eerie because he looked just as creepy, he gave me chills. But he would look kind of cute, if it wasn't for how out of place he looked. Even in the banged up car, you could tell he wasn't from around here by his clothes. They almost looked burnt or maybe just dirty. We had a long staring contest before he spoke.

   ''Do you need a ride?'' He asked in a surprisingly quiet, but deep voice. I shook my head no, I don't know what it was about him but I couldn't find my words. You could almost say he was breath taking, his eyes were hypnotic.

    '' Are you sure, I'm driving there anyway, I'm new at Forest High.'' He said without looking away or blinking. I just continued to stare at him as if he was growing a second head. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. Somehow, I knew he was dangerous and that those weren't his real eyes, I don't know how but I knew.

     ''Get in, I won't hurt you'' he said. I knew the dangers of getting in a car with a stranger. Then can you tell me, why didn't I run away from him? 

 Why did I get into the car?

A/N: How do you feel about this chapter did you like it then please vote! Do you have feedback then please type a comment and let me know please.

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