Chapter Five

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A/N: Hello again thank you for reading and PLEASE comment if you like or hate also please vote it means a lot! Beside this is a picture the jail cell.

I stood their waiting for the bad news but no one said anything.

''What is it?'' I asked nervously. My mom walked out of the room, I watched her leave, thinking only the worst of what was going on. My father sat down at the table and made a motion for me to take a seat.

''Your mom's Mother died today, you may not remember her very well. Grandma RoseMary, you used to visit her quite often when you were younger.'' He paused and relief swept though me, this wasn't good but it was better than what I was thinking. He went on.

"This is taking a toll on your mother so be patient with her, the funeral is on Saturday. I'll give you details later on, but you are going.'' He finished. My dad was so formal, there was nothing wrong with it but it was like he was delivering a case when he talked. He was a lawyer so he was always on business trips. It was Tuesday so I had four days to find an outfit; and just like I thought I wont be going to Matthew party on Friday. With my dad home I would have to already sneak out, but with the funeral it just didn't feel right. I knew Matthew would be way more upset than me though.

''Okay.''I answered. I stood up and pick up my bag.

"Sit Down!'' He said in a stern voice. I was shocked and jumped back down in my chair. I regret sitting back down that fast now he knows he scared me.

''How was school today Mia?'' He asked going into his fatherly role.

"Uh.. great, how was your day?'' I asked back.

''Not good,'' He answered. "First my daughter disrespectfully ran out of of the house this morning, and then I got a called saying your grandmother passed away last night, then another called saying you got detention, but instead of being there your here. Would you like to explain yourself?''

I just sat their shocked I had completely forgot about my detention slip, which meant I would have an extra two days of it.

''I forgot about that I was late to school, but it wasn't my fault re-''

''Stop.'' He said, ''I don't want to hear it, you missed your bus, you were late to school, and you got detention and then you carelessly forgot about, and now you have three days of detention. That's the rest of this week, three days so that's three weeks of punishment-''

''WHAT!!'' I interpreted. ''You cant do that-''

''Yes I can'' He yelled back, ''I am your father, you will do what I say. Now go to your room, now!''

I got up outraged and ran to my room ignoring the pleads from my mom asking me what happened.


Later on that night my mother came upstairs to tell me dinner was ready. But I never came down, I didn't want to deal with them. During punishment I wasn't aloud to leave my room unless told. Three weeks of solitary confinement.


I love my room but It can become jail very quickly.

I feel asleep a few minutes later, but when I woke everything was in a hazy dirt brown grayish color. I looked around I wasn't in my room anymore, I was in a room but it wasn't mine. There was a sink behind me and a bunk-bed beside it. On the other side a toilet, I turned around to be trap by bars. My heart skipped a beat.


I was so confused of what was going on, why was I here, where was here, and why was everything this color, was I going color blind. Those where the question circling around my mind. I felt faint I closed my eyes and counted to five, then opened them.

I screamed bloody murder, and fell onto the floor crawling away from the bars. In front of them was that boy, he just stared at me. Then the others from the parking lot appeared behind him. Their eyes all white and blank. I felt like a zoo animal behind caged bars. I wanted to ask questions, but I couldn't stop screaming.

That's how I woke up, screaming and sweating, but in my own bed.

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