Chapter Eight

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I heard my mom announce she was home; a few seconds later footsteps were jogging up the stairs.

"Mia." My mom called while opening my closed door.

"Why are you sitting in the dark, you should open the shades and let the sunlight through. Its a beautiful day outside.'' She rambled on walking over to my window, opening the shades.

''There, isn't that better? A little sunlight makes everything better.'' She said turning around to face me,

''Are you ready to go shopping for your clothes tomorrow?" She asked in a quipper tone even though it was her mother's funeral we were going to.

"Yeah just let me get my shoes." I answered standing up off my bed, heading towards my closet.


    The rest of the day was spent with my mom at the mall. After all those hours you would think I would have helped pick my own outfit. That wasn't the case, I didn't have say in what I wore to the funeral; not that I really cared.

It was a funeral I didn't need to be all glam up to morn the dead.

     By the time we got home Matthew's party should've already started. He probably called me, it would be like him to pretend nothing happened today and ask me to the party again. But I wouldn't know if he called me.

I didn't have my phone.


    That night I fell asleep while study my Spanish homework. I awoke sitting on on a bench, I looked around me, the world was a hazy dirt brown grayish color. Just like in one of my dreams before, I shivered at the memory of being locked in a jail watched like an animal. I begin to blink rapidly trying to wake myself up; it wasn't working. I started to panic, I didn't want to go through this nightmare again, it felt all to real. I started to sob, I couldn't help it, I hadn't been this scared since I was a young child.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Said an angry voice beside me. I looked up with tears running down my face and I gasped.

    It was him, that boy. His eyes were fully white even in these hazy colors. I wiped tears off my face furiously, I didn't want him to see me cry. I looked up at him again, his face soften no longer angry; I was shocked to realize his eyes no longer scared me.

    He sighed and sat down beside me on the bench. I instantly tensed up, his eyes may not scare me but I still didn't know what he was or what he was capable of. But I was shocked he wasn't running away from me for once.

"You don't trust me do you?" He asked sounding defeated.

"I don't know you. I don't know your name. I don't know what you are either." I answered bluntly without looking at him. He bent over putting his arms on his knees, leaning towards me.

''Well,I'm a pretty nice guy, known to be a leader. My name Sebastian. What am I... worried'' He said causally. I looked over at him, he was staring at me intensely waiting for my reaction.

''Worried about what? And that's not what I meant by what are you." I stated quietly.

"Oh I knew what you meant, I'm worried about you."


"Your grandmother, the one that recently passed left debts in your name."

"Debts?'' He didn't answer me right away. It was so awkward sitting here, the air was so thick and cold. I tried blinking a few more times trying to wake myself up.

"Your not going to wake your self up that way.'' He commented, laughing dryly. I was embarrassed  he noticed that, but of course he did.

''Mia," He said softly, the way he said my name gave me shivers. "Have you ever heard of Soulless people?'' My heart skipped a beat at those words. I didn't answer but I don't think he expected me to. He took a deep breath,

"The eyes are the window panes to the soul, you heard of that right?'' I nodded and he continued.

"So are dreams, but there different in a way. We call it dreaming but really it's another dimension your soul traveling through. Most times the subconscious control your travels but other times--'' He trailed off.

"What happens other times?'' I asked not really believe him but not dis-believing him either.

"That is not the point.'' He said sharply. ''If your soul gets stuck in the wrong dimension for to long your soul could be lost forever!'' He rushed these words out so urgently it mad me almost laugh.

''It's not funny Mia! You need to leave here. Now!'' He yelled, "You don't belong here Mia, you need to wake up and forget this place.'' He began to shake my shoulders violently. The touch of his grip made me wince.

"Stop it!'' I shouted at him

"Wake up Mia, Wake up!'' With one more shout he threw my body off of the bench. I braced my self for the fall of the hard cold ground.

But it never came.

I jumped up in my bed fully awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2012 ⏰

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