Chapter Six

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A/N: To anyone reading this, this chapter is not how I wanted it to turn out. Hopefully the next chapter I write will start getting more into the story plot. Thank you for reading and please vote and comment! Sarasparkles13 for helping me edit.

The rest of my week went mostly like this. Waking up, getting dressed before breakfast so I can eat alone. Riding the bus to school sitting alone, sitting in classes. I only ate lunch Candice since Matthew hasn't come back yet; from his sudden mysterious vacation. I thought he would be back today, he is throwing a party tonight. After lunch I went though more sitting in class, followed by a hour and a half of detention. Then I would walk home. I told my mom not to pick me up in the heat of the moment. But now I had one word.


It took me a whole thirty minutes to walk home; at least it saved me from awkward conversations with my mom in a closed in space I don't think I could survive fifteen minutes in a car alone with her. Also it took away time from forced reading and staring out my bedroom window, into the blue free sky. It mocked me the clouds just drifted, able to go where they pleased. What I give to have the freedom of a cloud.

Everyday 'he' would walk past my house. Once he walked up and down the block over and over again for over twenty minutes. That had to be the highlight of my day, at least I wasn't the only bored one. One day he just stopped and stared up into my window. Maybe I never noticed it before, I just happened to look uTp and their he was.


Just blank staring, It reminded me of a dream I had. Him just staring at me, a blank white eyed stare. From up here in my room I couldn't see what color his eyes were. What if my dreams are trying to tell me something. Could it be that he was stalking me? It all made sense, I wanted to slap my self for not realizing it earlier. I had got into a car with him, and I barley remember what happened during the ride. I no longer felt joy from what looked like boredom. If I wasn't grounded I would go out their and tell him to get a life. Or maybe I could yell from a window, and hope my mom doesn't hear. 


On Friday I went though my new routine. When I got to school, I walked to my locker trying to avoid Joshlenyn. I knew she was serious about me picking up her 'brand new jacket' on Thursday. But here I was on Friday, no jacket. I wasn't brave enough to stick to the plan of and burning and ripping it apart; too many bad things that could have happened to me if I did. I looked from left to right my locker only a few feet away. Then the crowd in front of my locker cleared. I stopped dead in my tracks, how could I have not noticed the crowd? There are never crowds in front of my locker.


There she was leaning against my locker, with her perfect manicured nails I hated girls like her. I wanted to rush up to her and push her off my locker, instead I ended up in the girls bathroom on the left of me. Somethings you should know about me is, I'm mostly all talk. Well mostly thoughts, I think of witty things to say, I think of sticking up for my self. Most times I'm afraid to say and do it., especially if I fear the person. But sometimes saying witty things out loud can get you into a whole lot of crap.

So here I was standing in a bathroom stall, waiting for the bell to ring. Hopefully the bell would ring, and the halls would clear. Then I could get to my locker and make it to class before the late bell rings. I cant get another detention. I didn't really care about being in detention, I couldn't go though a forth week of reading and staring out my bedroom window. Too much solitary confinement can make you go crazy.

And there's the bell ,I thought. I waited a few seconds before walking out into the hall. I was right, the she-devil and her 'crowd' were gone. I quickly walked to my locker, got my books, and relocked my locker. When turned around I was the only one in the hall. I didn't know how much time I had until the late bell, so I began to run. I rounded the corner, four classroom away from where I needed to be-

The next thing I knew I was on the floor, my books scattered halfway across the hall. In my daze the bell had rung. All I could think was, why me!? I was so close, so close! Suddenly I was being pulled to my feet by my shoulders. I opened my mouth to tell the idiot that knocked me over to get the hell off of me. But when I looked up I was froze, with my mouth hanging open. It was that boy.

"Sorry.'' Was all he said. He let go of my shoulders and started to walk away. I couldn't just let him walk away. Even though something in the back of my mind was telling me to let it go. I had questions I couldn't stop thinking about. I needed answers.

''Hey!'' I called, he keep walking farther down the hall. ''Dont walk away from me, why are you stalking me?'' I shouted. He stopped and turned around slowly, now facing me. Cold fear shot though my veins, I should have just keep my mouth shut. Yes, I wanted answers but I wanted them in a place where there were people around.

We were all alone, anything could happen.

''Stalking you, why would I be stalking you? I don't even know you, I think your imagining things.'' He answered back in a blunt tone. For a second I felt stupid for even accusing him of stalking. But I know what I saw, it was him outside my window.

''Then why were you outside of my house, staring up into my window?'' I accused angrily.

''I wasn't walking outside your house, I was walking around the block. Maybe I was staring at you because you were watching me through your window. How am I stalking you when you were the watching me?'' He resorted. I was speechless, he was right. I wanted to deny I was watching him, and demand he stopped whatever he was doing, but he was already walking away. I wanted to chase after him, but for what? He's always walking away from me, leaving me confused with even more questions. This was the most I ever heard him talk and I didn't like what he had to say. But could I possibly be the one stalking him? I was watching him and I dreamt about him almost every night. No! That wasn't true he was just trying to get into my head.

I turned around, he was out of sight anyway. I gathered my scattered books and walked to class defeated and feeling stupid. My shoulders were burning feeling like if I looked at them, there would be a burn the shape of hand-prints. But I didn't have time to stop and investigate. I walked towards my classroom and put my shaking hand on the door handle. I couldn't help but be afraid; he always left me feeling like this, anxious. In addition I really didn't want Mrs. Davenport to give me detention. She wasn't mean like everyone claimed, she just liked to in-force the rules. A little to much.

I opened the door and walked in with my fingers crossed.

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