Chapter Seven

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I entered my first period class, Spanish. You would think the teacher would have a Spanish last name, but instead it was Davenport. Which happens to be a type of couch, she claims that her name was changed from a divorced marriage. Though she never changed it back.

I quickly harried to an empty seat attempting to be unnoticed. Mrs. Davenport hadn't said anything about my late presents. Either I was good at being unnoticeable, which isn't necessary a good thing; or she was having a good day, something very rare. I sat down in the third out of forth rows, in the seat closet to the window. Any other time I would be glad to have a view; but sitting so far away from the door meant I couldn't be the first one to exit when class ended. Which I really needed to do since Joshlenyn was in this class.

She was turned around in the second row giving me daggers. I hastily avoid my eyes to the window. Then I heard,

''Mrs.Davenport, Mia's late to class, shouldn't she be given detention. '' A whinny voice rang out into the previous quiet air. I jumped at the sound of my name and crossed my fingers, staring holes into my desk.

''Yeah, she should be given detention just like everyone else.'' One of Joshlenyn drones agreed with her.

''Mrs. Joshlenyn and Mrs. Sasha I should be giving you detention for not following directions. I asked for complete silence. Now sit there quietly or pull out a book.'' Mrs. Davenport demanded sternly. I let off a breath of relief, I didn't know I was holding it in.


I walked out of school, and crossed the street to the other sidewalk. It was was unusually hot for September, I really didn't want to walk the thirty minutes to my house today. I wished I would have just let my mom pick me up after detention. I had been walking about five minutes before I heard a car ride along beside me. I ingorned it hoping, no praying it wasn't 'him'. I heard go off the horn, the owner must have been leaning on it because it didn't stop until I turned around.

"WHAT!!'' I shouted though I douut they heard me over the horn. Relief flood though me, it was only Matthew. The feeling stiwching into anger, he has been gone all week; without any warning what so ever. He rolled down his window and asked,

''Why are you walking?''

"I had detention.'' I replied.

"Mia Clayborn had detention how'd that happen?'' He asked, mocking me

''I was late to school and got detention. Then I forgot about it and got an extra two days. To top it off I've been given three weeks of 'groundment'; I have to stay up in my room all day no electronics, just books and a window.'' I explained while entering the passenger side door of his platinum sliver black leather seated Porsche. I knew he wasn't going to let me walk home, not in this heat anyway.

"That sucks! Can't you get a job or something" He offered.

"Who would drive me there?" I pointed out.

"You could always ask me. I guess you won't be coming to my party tonight.'' He sighed, and started driving towards my house.

"Yeah I'm sorry I really wanted to go.''

" You could always sneak out, I could even drive you-"

"Matthew no that doesn't feel right, I have to go to a funeral tomorrow. Plus my mom taking me shopping for an outfit, which is going to take a while" I interrupted. He shrugged,

" I could wait for you to get back, if you don't come I might cancel the party what fun will it be without you. Also Candice thinks your going she'll be pissed if you don't."

"She'll live and your not canceling the party!" I was not going to let him make me feel guilty. If I couldn't go I couldn't go. He a gave me a smile,I didn't return it. Amusement danced in his eyes, he was trying to piss me off. I noticed how slow we were going, the speed limit was forty five he was doing less then ten. I could have just walked, he saw me looking at the thermometer but didn't speed up.

"Where were you this whole week?'' I asked, leaning toward the dashboard trying to change the subject. I was shocked as I was thrown back against my seat, I would have fallen out of it if I wasn't wearing my seat belt. Now we were doing over the speed limit. Wow he doesn't want to answer my question, so now he trying to get rid of me. I ignored the hurt and decided not to say anything else.


When we arrived at my house I had practically thrown myself out of the car. I didn't waste time on goodbyes. I ignored him calling my name, I wish I didn't have to stand there and dig though my bag for my keys. When I found them I could hear the driver seat car door open and slam. I panicked I didn't expect him to get out the car.

I shoved my key into the lock and turned it, while pushing the door open at the same time. I quickly snatched my keys out of the look and the slammed the door behind me locking it. Before I closed the door I saw Matthew jogging towards the door about a foot away.

My heart was pounding, I couldn't understand why I had panicked like that. I could tell no one was home because someone would have made a comment from the door slam; and the person banging, yelling, apologizing, and cursing for me to open the door.

I wasn't opening anything. Not with him yelling and cursing at me like that. I could have taken advantage of the TV in the living room but instead I went up to my room. I looked out of my window, he was still out there. But instead of banging on the door he was looking up into my window, shielding his eyes from the sun.

I closed my blinds, darkening the room.

A/n: Well Matthew has finally came into the story, I wonder where he's been all week? Thank you for reading please vote or comment if you would like. :D

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