Beautiful eyes

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I looked through the car window as we pass by other houses trying to find our new house. My dad thought it'll be a good idea to move to a different state ever since my mom past away to clear my mind off it. It didn't work, but I tried my best, but not for him.
"You'll love it here, (y/n). There's so many better things here than our old place." Said my dad, as he tries to make a conversation with me. I didn't reply to my dad only because he hasn't been himself lately. There would be times where he's nice and what a father should suppose to be...but other times....he isn't.
"We're here." He parked in front of the new house and got off the car. While he unlocked the door, I got off the car and looked around the other houses. I watched my dad taking all the boxes out from the back of the car and slowly got up. "This might take a while, I'm not as strong as I thought I was." He laughed. I rolled my eyes, "well better start now, otherwise we'll be here for a long ass time." He gave me an annoyed look, but I didn't care. Right where i bend down to get a box, a male voice from behind caught my attention. "Need a hand?" I turned around and saw two teenagers and a kid standing behind the fence.

I looked over and saw the new neighbors coming in. I looked at Chris and asked him if he wanted to help them.
"Sure!" He said. He turned to his little brother, Aiden and asked him if he too would like to join us. Of course, the little brat rolled his eyes. "Whatever, lets just get this over with." He said. As we walked towards them I noticed the girl looked about my age. I looked at her and asked. "Need a hand?" She quickly turned around and saw us, her expression was shocked but not too much. She looked over at her father and he looked at us. "And who are you three?" He asked with an anger tone. "How can we be so rude? I'm Chris, this is my little brother Aiden, and this here is my best friend, Ted!" I looked at the girl's father and before he can say anything, his daughter cut him off.
"Seriously dad? They're just trying to help us, no need to get on your days." She said annoyed. Hearing her voice gave me butterfly in my stomach. She looked at Chris and Aiden and asked them to help her take a few boxes inside the house. As they do so, she bend down to get a larger box. I went to the other side and grabbed the box, but before we lift the box up, I felt her warm hands as mines were on top, I looked at her and she slowly looked at me. My eyes widen as I looked at her beautiful, (e/c) eyes. At this point I didn't focused on anything other than her and her eyes.

I noticed Ted looking at me and only me, I turned around to see if there was anyone around me, but no. I looked back at him and noticed him blushing. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Hmm? OH!" He shook his head. "I-I'm sorry, It's just...I was..." I couldn't help but to giggle at his expression. "It's cool" I told him. There was a bit of a silence until he shouted at me. "I-I like your beautiful eyes!" I looked at him and blushed, I tried to say something, but couldn't. "I-I'm sorry i-if it weirded you out." I looked at him as he gave me a worried look. "Dude, its fine, really. It's just that I...don't hear that often. So, Thanks." I said while the both of us picked up the box. Once we were finished putting the box inside, my father looked at the three guys and said "Thanks so much for helping out." "No problem" Chris replied. "If you need any help, feel free to ask." His brother looked at him and told him "They better ask you, I won't be helping anyone after this!" He turned and walked away to his house. Chris then turned back to me and my dad. "He's not usually like this....well...he is...but, believe me, you'll get used to him." Before Him and Ted turned and walked away, Chris turned back. "Hey wait,we didn't get to know your name!" " name is (y/n)." I looked at Ted as he had a smile on his face. "That's a beautiful nam-" my father quickly cut him off. " And my name is William (l/n) but you can call me Mr.(l/n)." He said as he crossed his arms giving the two a nasty look and tone. I rolled my eyes. Typical Dad, really typical. I thanked them once more before going inside of my new house to talk to my dad about his rude behavior.

-time past-

I couldn't sleep at all. I kept tossing and turning, but all I could think about was (y/n). Her sweet voice, perfect (h/c),(h/l) hair....and most importantly her beautiful (e/c) eyes...before I made a smile on my face I got up and looked down. "What if she has a boyfriend already? Someone like her wouldn't be single...but what if she isn't? ...yet after the things I said, she must find me a complete freak...." I tried to get the negatives thoughts out of my head but no matter what, those thoughs kept coming and coming.

Sorry if there's any grammar issues, hope you enjoyed it. ^-^/ 

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