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I sat down on my bed while Ted sat on my papasan chair. I took a deep breath and looked at him. "It all started when I was a kid..."

        °•○●°•○●Flash back●○•°●○••
Things between my mother and father was going down hill. They continue to argue, my father would lay his hands on her a few times, and he would leave us to go somewhere to cool off. One night, my mother had to go to work, leaving me alone with my father. I've begged her to stay since being alone with him was scary. My mother bend down and gently patted my hair.
"Sweetie, I can't stay here. This is the only job I have to provide you with the things you need...since someone is too lazy to get a job." She said while looking at my father annoyed. I looked over to see him laying on the couch watching tv. "You're the one who wanted the kid, not me." He replied. My mother rolled her eyes and looked back at me. She gently whispers to me so that my dad couldn't hear. "I'm doing this so we can leave your father. He ignores you, hurt me, we need a better life....remember, go to your room, lock the door until I come back....if anything happens, call 9-1-1. Okay?" I looked up at my mother and nodded. She kissed me on the forehead told me she loves me then closed the door behind her. I walked to my room and did what I was told. I've laid on my bed looking at the time. 8:45pm..."mom should be home by 3 a.m" I thought to myself as I fell asleep. 9 hours have passed and I woke up to hear my father. "What the hell do you mean she's at the hospital!? What happened!?" I slowly walked out of the room and looked at him. "Yes, yes I'm on my way." He hanged up and saw me. "Put on your shoes, (y/n), mommy's at the hospital." He said as he grabbed the car keys. Once we got there, my father asked the women at the front desk about my mother. "Mrs.(l/n) is in room 2280." I was about to walk with my father until he stopped me. "You wait here, alright?" "But I wanna see Mommy." The woman looked at my father and told him that I was allowed to go, but he cut her off and told her that he still doesn't want me to see her. The women agreed and watched over me as he left. Two hours have past and my father finally showed up along with the doctor. I quickly got up and ran to them. "Is my mommy okay!?" I asked worried. The doctor looked at my father who was looking at the ground. "I'm sorry sweetie, but...mommy is resting...for a long time..." I couldn't believe what the doctor was telling me. "W-What ha-hapened to h-her?" I tried to asked him. The doctor bend down and hold my shoulders. "Your mommy got into an car accident..." I looked at my dad who showed no expression at all. I had nothing but anger towards him that I didn't wanted to keep inside any longer. "YOU ASSHOLE!YOU DIDN'T LET ME SEE MY MOMMY! I DIDN'T GET TO TALK TO HER LIKE YOU DID! I COULD OF BEEN THERE TOO! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!"  Years have passed and my sadness over the death of my mother kept getting worst and worst. My father would leave me alone as he go to clubs and hang out with his friends while I tried to pick myself up, even when I was at the edge of self harm. No one asked how I was or check up on me, making me feel so alone and hated. Even when my dad tried to be there for me, I still couldn't forgive him after what he made me go through.
    °•○●°•○●End of flashback●○•°●○•°   

As I finished telling him my reasoning of being an asshole earlier, I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. He got up and slowly hugged my tightly as I cried in his arms. He gently rubbed my back for a while before looking at me and cleaning away the tears with his thumb. "Everything will be okay soon. You've been through a lot, and for him to do that....I now understand why you treat him the way you do." I looked at him and thanked him for hearing me out. He looked at the time and gotten up quickly. "Oh man I have to go, I gotta go to work really early tomorrow...but before I you wanna exchange phone numbers?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck. I nodded as I wrote down my number and gave it to him. He put the paper in his pocket as I walked him to the door. "Thank you again for...listening to my problems" "No worries, and if you want to talk to someone, just let me know." He replied with a smile. I opened the door to see a shadow standing in front.
"....What did I told you, (y/n)?"
"D-dad I..."

You're My Happiness (Ted X Reader) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें