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Things that Ted kept thinking over and over since the mall. He didn't want (Y/n) to know, he didn't want Chris or Nick to know as well. He didn't want them to know that history is going to repeat itself. Blade after blade, cuts after cuts. But he didn't care. The pain wasn't as bad as finding out that (Y/n) has feelings for someone else.
His father and mother didn't  know about this either, but saw some changes on their son. He was frowning, lazy, didn't have the courage to go anywhere, not even to work which got Chris and his boss, Cherry, confused as well.
"(Y/n), my darling, can you come here for a minute? I would like to ask you some questions." Michael waited for the girl to come to the kitchen to have a private talk while his son was in his room, locked away from the world.
"Is there a problem, sir?" She asked.
"Me and Jane have been noticing some...off moments from Ted. Is he alright? Has he said anything to you that's been bothering him?" He asked in a worry tone.
"Well, no actually. I've been trying to talk to him, yet nothing seems to get his attention."
"Oh dear, I'll go check up on him." Michael walked out of the kitchen and head towards his son's room; however, the door was locked. He knocked on the door a few times, yet still no answer. "Son? Is everything alright? Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. There was a few moment of complete silence until the teen replied. "I'm fine... just tired, dad." Michael didn't know if he could trust his own son's words or not, but he noticed (Y/n) and Jane in the corner of the hall looking at him worried about Ted. Is he really okay?
Jane and Michael had left to work that night. They wanted to stay and check up on Ted, but (Y/n) have told them that she'll watch over him as they go out. As soon as they left, she quickly ran up to Ted's room and tried to unlock the door with the classic key...a bobby pin. Successfully opening the door, she looked inside and saw a dark room. "Ted?" She called out. She walked inside the room and turn on the lights. Ted quickly looked up and tried to cover his arm, but it was too late. The blood seems to be everywhere: the bedsheets, floor, carpet, and on his clothes. "Ted! W-what happen-are you okay?" She asked while examining his cuts. He couldn't hide it any longer. Tears starts to form and fell out of his cheeks as he look down with shame.

He didn't replied to her. She got up and left the room, leaving the broken boy alone. He hold himself and cried even more, until he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Lemme see." She demanded. He gave her one of his arm and watched as she gently cleans it up and wrap PBT bandage around the cuts. He continued to watch her do the same tasks with the other arm. (Y/n) got up and picked up the bedsheets and carpet to put them in the washermachine and grabbed the mop to clean up the floor. She then ordered Ted to take off his clothes so that she can was it as well. Once she gave his some space to strip off his clothes, Ted looked over the patched up wounds and had a bit of a confusion. (Y/n) walked in, noticed that he wasn't fully dressed, saw his v line and quickly slams the door, blushing. "S-Sorry!" She yelled while blushing madly at the scene.
Few minutes have passed by. Ted laid on his bed, starring at the ceiling. (Y/n) walked in and knocked on the side of the door which caught his attention. "May I join you?" She asked. He nodded and moved over for her. The two looked at the ceiling until one of them broke the silence.

"Why?..." She asked?
"....b-because I..."
"Because what, Ted!? This is serious! Your parents are worried to death about you! Chris has been texting you all day, even Aiden is worried about you! ....I couldn't sleep because I was too worried about what was really happening behind closed doors..."
Ted's eyes began to tear up. (Y/n) noticed this and gently wiped the tears off with her thumb. He gently grabbed her hand and holds it.
"I did this...because I was hurt..."
"Hurt...from what?"
"F-From your happiness...The day at the mall, I saw how happy you were with Nick and I...I wanted you to be happy! But I always thought that maybe that happiness would of come from...from...m-me!"
(Y/n)'s eyes open wide as he exploded his feelings to her.
"I know it wouldn't work out anyway..Nick is so kind, sweet, tall, and strong. He's been making you laugh since you first meet him...and me?...I just provide you a house and some company.--"
"Don't say that!-"
The teens looked at each other for a while. Ted couldn't fight back the tears and let them go while (Y/n) watched him suffer in his sadness. She gently placed her hands on his cheeks, which he allowed her to. He looked down, not wanting any eye contact with her anymore. He was ready to let her go.

Ready to forget about this mess.

Ready to...

His eyes open up as he felt a pair of lips touching his. He started to blush madly, and kissed her back. He wrapped his arm around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She slowly stopped the kiss and looked at him. He looked back at her, looking deep into her beautiful, (e/c) eyes.
"I-I don't understand...wh-what about Nick?"
"Nick was helping me by getting to know you a bit more, he was helping me with a plan for me to confess my feelings for you..."
(Y/n) gently grabbed one of Ted's patched up arm and gently kissed it.


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