Chapter 4

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*Jackson p.o.v*

I kind of stalked the girl and Mark since I was curious what she was squealing about and I found them on the same table from yesterday Mark was staring at his coffee while, looked like she was about to slap someone out of excitement.

I figured I should help Mark out of that situation so I walk up to them and smiles towards the girl and says " I wanna get to know my roommate so if you excuse me" I say taking Marks hand which he responds with looking away not sure why but doesn't matter.

We got outside of Starbucks and then I turn to Mark who is just looking at me with shock

"So where you wanna go?" I ask him and lets go of his hand, he shrugs

"WELL I KNOW A PLACE, " I say and then we start moving, After a while of silence I say "Mark say something you have been quiet for quite some time now"

"Well I am kind of a quiet person usually Navi is the one doing the talking while I listen," he says and we take a little walk in the park

"you called that listening? you looked like you were about to dive down in your coffee to take a swim" I chuckled and he shrugged yet again.

"come on follow me, " I tell him and we go in a little forest

"where are we going Jackson?" he asks me

"just to a place I used to spend time at when I felt like being alone, " I tell him. We finally get there, we only had to climb up tree ladder.

"It's up there, " I tell him and I point up

"a fucking tree? seriously?" he asks me sighing

"yes don't be like that and start climbing, " I tell him and he listens.

we got up and he sat down there and just looked out from the little hole I had in there as a window.

*Mark p.o.v*

It was awfully quiet and calm, No Navi screaming in my ear it was just me and Jackson up here in total quietness

"It's quite calming, right? he says and I nod

"why did you show me this place though?" I ask him, I mean I've heard he is kind of popular and stuff.

"We're roommates Mark we are supposed to get to know each other and this place is the only one who screams the most me, "  he tells me

"oh well..I don't have a place such as that, I rarely leave where I live, and if I do then I am either meeting Navi or I'm out buying groceries" I tell him

"hmm then we gotta find a place that tells me about you" he tells me, just then his phone starts buzzing

"YO JB, wah? oh I'm doing nothing, Aha I'll be there just wait for a few minutes" he says and then hangs up

"I gotta go Mark but see you at the dorm later" and then he starts climbing down leaving me alone.

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