Chapter 56

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*Mark's p.o.v*

"Nooo Jinyoung, you can't pay for it," I tell him stopping him from paying the lady

"shush you need all help you can get and these kids need it right? now you shush and be happy" he tells me patting my head lightly 

I hadn't even noticed that he had given Jeongsung to BamBam and he was rocking him back and forth 

"Now put the kids there" Jinyoung smiles and I put down Jeonghye and BamBam puts down Jeongsung and we thank the lady and goes out from the store

"I promise I'll pay back the money soon enough I promise you," I tell him and he shakes his head

"Don't I will reject It save that money for the kids instead okay?" He tells me and I guess I can't argue with him

I then remembered I need a new apartment

"fuck" I curse under my breath 

"What?" Jinyoung asks and I keep quiet

"so when do you plan on finding an apartment in Korea, Mark?" Yugyeom asks me 

and Jinyoung turns to him and I yet again curse under my breath

"So you're moving back?" Jinyoung asks me and  I nod 

"I might live in the dorm at the start and then later find an apartment," I tell him

"what about Jackson?" BamBam asks and Jinyoung frowns 

"eh...I haven't talked to him" I say scratching my head awkwardly and Jinyoung stares at me 

"Take my apartment there for the time being then," He says out of nowhere

"What?" I ask shocked

"Take it I am rarely there and You need an apartment so take it," Jinyoung says shrugging 

"But that is your apartment and I need to pay for it and I can't," I tell him 

"But you need one" He starts 

"No I am flattered for the offer but really no, I wanna try and do something about it myself," I  tell him

we continue to go around and BamBam and Yugyeom is running into almost all kid stores and looks at the clothes and stuff 

Jinyoung is beside me until BamBam runs up to me and says "you guys must be hungry we are just gonna steal the kids for now and you guys can go and eat bye" he runs away with the stroller before I can say something.

I sigh and Jinyoung drags me to a restaurant

Jinyoung tried to talk to me but I couldn't keep my thoughts straight 

"You're worried, cute" He laughs at me 

"what?2 I ask him now getting out of my thoughts

"You're worrying for the kids, you're scared that something is gonna happen to them, I find it cute since you aren't really their father and they just got into your life but you already care for them," Jinyoung says smiling at me 

"I guess I just want them to have a good life since I took them away from their mom or well their mom begged me to take them," I tell him and he nods 

"I just find it cute how you're trying so hard're being like their father even though you aren't I find it interesting" he chuckles and I nod 

you're being like their father even though you aren't I find it interesting" he chuckles and I nod 

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" waiting on some food with J dis is nice, and please Yugyeom and dabbie, stay safe :)"

"Haven't you told anyone on Instagram yet?" He asks me and I shake my head 

"I don't wanna do that yet...they are too small for that," I tell him and he nods 

"so You're quite famous on Instagram aren't you?" He laughs at me and I shrug

"Not really," I tell him. I did not see myself as famous 

"Bro, do you even look how many followers you have? for being that quiet handsome boy you're very famous..." He tells me I shrug yet again 

"I don't know," I say looking away 

"you really are saying that now? you get around a thousand likes on your fucking pictures HOW MANY PEOPLE EVEN ADDED YOU ON SNAPCHAT" He exclaims and I shrug and check and It was a few

"some are from school, Some girls that can't grasp the fact I am gay" I tell him and he laughs 

"You're too handsome for It I mean you make both girls and boys fall for you that shit must be cool," He says laughing 

"You're pretty handsome yourself Jinyoung I mean I bet you yourself have some people swooning over you," I tell him and sip on my drink a little 

"Well I am nowhere you handsome" he jokes

"you really think so Mr.Park," I say innocently 

"PFT, Mark, don't do that I will turn you upside down," Jinyoung says having a poker face 

We finally got our food and BamBam and Yugyeom comes back and has the stroller with them and I hear both kids crying

both boys look like they are in panic

"Whats the matter?" I ask 

"They won't stop crying" Yugyeom whines

I sigh and Take up Jeongsung first since he is kind of clingy and likes comfort by being in arms 

"Bamie, Ask them to heat up these bottles please," I tell him and give him two bottles and he nods and runs over to the cashier 

"Why are they crying?" Yugyeom asks being a little distressed 

"Not sure But I think they are hungry," I say trying to be calm but being a little distressed myself by the fact Jeongsung won't stop crying 

BamBam comes back running with both warm bottles and I start feeding Jeongsung slowly and he stops screaming 

"one of you feed Jeonghye," I tell them and I put one of the bottles on the table and they all look at each other 

Yugyeom took the bottle and then lift up Jeonghye and starts feeding her which makes her quiet instantly.

Yugyeom looked at her and then says 

"she is kind of cute" 

"what do you mean kind of? she is adorable" BamBam exclaims waving his hands around and I roll my eyes and then look down at Jeongsung who is looking up at me and I realized his eyes were open and he just stared at me his eyes were so clear and he just stared at me. 

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