Chapter 30

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*Jaebum p.o.v*

I took the drunk Mark  home to me 

"Jaebummmie let meee ghoooow" Mark sings and I ignore him

"who made you drunk?" I ask him

"I diiid duuuuuh?" He says smiling, It was really weird hearing him talk this much 

"I'm gonna ask you again, Who got you drunk?" 

"I  dwiiidsillllyy" Mark says smiling like a kid

"You're unbelievable" I mutter taking his phone scrolling through his contacts hoping I  can find any of his family members number. I found a name that said 'Sister  <3'. I decided  to call her

"Mark?" The girl asks 

"No, This is Jaebum, Mark's  close friend,  " I say

"Oh  Hello Jaebum, I'm Tammy, Anything special you wanted? She asks me and just then Mark says 


"Jaebum? Is Mark drunk?" she asks me, I sigh but answer yes 

"Is that why you called?" She asks 

"Well, both that and another thing, " I  say

"well I can't help you with the drunk part. I thought Mark would never drink but what is the other thing?" She asks me

"Well I, Mark and another of Mark's friend wanna come and meet you guys, I think that's good for Mark he's been having a lot of things happening around him and I think he misses you a lot" I try to say while Mark is more or less hugging my legs  

"That sounds like a good Idea, My poor little baby brother must miss home a lot" She laughs  

"Yea but we'll be coming like next weekend or something like that, " I tell her, She agrees with it.  I hang up and then I need to take care of the drunk little lost boy on the floor that is hugging my legs.

"come on let's get you to sleep with since you won't answer my question who really got you drunk," I tell him

"BUUUT I TOLLD YOUH" He screams at me 

"It can't be you, Someone must've told you to drink" I sigh and then try to force Mark up to the bed 

"Jaebummieee I'm not tiiiired" Mark whines,  I ignore him and continues to force him to the bed

"Goodnight" I mumble to him while he snuggles his blanket

I went down do the living room and just sighed. The door opened and BamBam comes in

"What did he say?" I ask him

"Meh He asked if he really fucked up that bad and shit, " BamBam says rolling his eyes and I chuckle 

"Eyy BamBam, Wanna hang with me and Mark to  USA?

"Sure? what you gonna do there?" BamBam asks

"Let Mark meet his parents," I tell him

"ahh You don't think this is gonna make him hop off his music program though?" BamBam asks me and I shrug 

"I dunno" I tell him

"What if he decides to stay  there?" BamBam asks me and starts  to panic

"I have a plan okok?" I  tell him smirking

"AWH TELL MEEE" BamBam squeals and I shake my head and then I go up to my bed and BamBam is close behind me.

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