Chapter 35

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*BamBam's p.o.v*

After what felt like me forever we got to Mark's parent's house

Yugyeom stops me though before I can get to Jaebum

"What are you hiding? tell me now, And Don't say nothing cause then Mark wouldn't be close to crying In the car" He tells me and I gulp 

"OkOK but I need Jaebum here then too," I say sighing

"Ok wait here then I'll go get Jaebum and Youngjae," he says and disappears  I sit down waiting for them

Then Jaebum runs up to me and says " Listen to me for a second...I have a new plan ok? so just follow my lead" He smiles and then Yugyeom that is not as happy stands in front of us with Youngjae beside him

"so spit It out," He says crossing his arms 

"" I start but Jaebum cuts me off

"Ok Mark is/was roommate with Jackson..and he got feelings for Jackson and Jackson got feelings for Mark but Didn't want to ruin his reputation so when people asked him If he really liked Mark he said no and said that Mark forced himself onto Jackson" Jaebum explains and I stare at him blankly 

How could he say all of that...Isn't It Mark that should tell them?

"So Mark really lived a hell for the past weeks?" Youngjae asks looking kind of sad and Jaebum nods and I still just stand there completely empty...He did not even tell the whole story? Isn't he supposed to tell them about the sweet things Jackson did? What is this plan really going?

Youngjae and Yugyeom gave each other some glances and then nodded to us and walked away 

"How could you tell them all that Isn't that Mark's part to do?" I asked him 

"Yes...But you'll see have some patience Bam" Jaebum says and follows Yugyeom and Youngjae inside 

*Mark's p.o.v*

Jaebum and BamBam comes in a little later 

"Hey BamBam, Jaebum this is my mom and dad" I Introduced them to my parents 

"Hello Boys wonderful to meet you guys," My dad says Shaking Jaebum's hand

while they spark up a conversation I see my other sister Grace sitting on the couch 

"GRAAACE" I scream and run up to hug her 

"AY MARK WHY DIDN'T YOU DO THAT TO ME?" Tammy whines stomping her feet a little

"Uhm..." I start but I then Ignore her when I realize my brother, Joey Is there too

"Hello, Joey.." I start but he sighs and walks away 

I sigh and sit down beside Grace and Tammy on the couch and mumbles 

"He is still mad Isn't he" and they shake their heads

"Actually no, He Is..just sad But you should totally go and talk to him," Grace says 

I nod and go Up to Joey's room

I knock on the door and I hear a muttered 'come in'. I slowly open the door and walks In 

"What do you Want?" Joey asks spinning his chair so he is now looking at me 

"Joey...Look I wanted to say sorry...For not being that big brother you wanted to have" I tell him standing there

"What do you mean?" He asks me

"I mean..The times from school before when you got mad because of who I am..I understand that You're still mad But I wanted to say sorry for my behalf of that time.Maybe I shouldn't be so naive to find a boyfriend" I tell him scratching my neck a little 

"what? no, you couldn't do anything about it...I was the one being a dickhead Since I cared more about popularity But really I'm over that now...And you really shouldn't say sorry You can't help it but I am happy you talked to me about It" He smiles and walks towards me to hug me. And we hug it out.

*Jaebum's p.o.v* 

My Phone starts buzzing and It's Jackson who called me 

I excused me from them and I walked outside and answered the call

"Jaebum?" Jackson sniffed

"Jackson" I hiss a little 

"Jaebum..I might have fucked up more" He mumbles

"What did you do now?" I sigh but then someone snatches the phone from me and I see It's Yugyeom with Youngjae behind him

"YAH! give me my phone back" I say trying to take It back 

"Come on follow me inside Instead," Youngjae says trying to lead my Inside

"no give me my phone back," I say trying to see where Yugyeom Is going 

He starts talking with the Jackson on the other line.

Youngjae keeps pushing me to go Inside 

*Yugyeom's p.o.v*

"Jaebum?" Jackson asks unsure of what is happening 

"No, Jackson...This Is Yugyeom" I mutter

"YOU AGAIN" He bursts and I roll my eyes even If he doesn't see it I am sure he could sense It

"What do you want?" He asks

"Ah, I just wanted to say...Thanks for fucking up..We got our Markie back home" I tell him 

"No problem?" He asks I guess he is too drunk to cope with.. what Is actually happening

"No, I really mean It..Now we can take care of him really thanks" I say again before hanging up before he realizes what I have said 

I walk back in and give Jaebum his phone back

"What did you tell him," He asks under his breath so Mark's parents don't find out 

"ah, Nothing really just a little thank you" I smile at him and he smiles back

*Jaebum's p.o.v*

My plan might just work Now It's only for Mark to tell me to cancel His ticket back to Seoul and the plan Is succeeded 

I look over to BamBam who looks a little unsure...I guess he is still unsure of the plan I have.

*Mark's p.o.v*

I got down with Joey and we sat down

"I am so happy you guys finally come to a solution," My mom says smiling 

"Yes It Is great to finally see you guys be friends again," dad says 

"It Is great to have him back In my life," Joey says hugging me a little

Yes...In their Life again 

"So How Is Seoul really?" My mom asks 

"Uhm, It's good I guess," I tell her and then take a sip of my drink

My mom gives me a strange look and says "You aren't Unhappy, are you? If So We are happy If you wanna stay. We miss you at home" 

A part of me wanna bursts out ' YES MOM I WANNA BE HOME AGAIN I HATE IT THERE IIT HAS ONLY BEEN FUCKING HORRIBLE SINCE I GOT THERE AND I MISS YOU GUYS TOO MUCH' and a part of me wanna decline It since I really wanna go to the end with this program.

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