chapter 15

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*Jackson p.o.v* 

Navi was here and was sitting beside Mark and to be honest I wanted to sit beside him but she is closer to him than what I am

"Jackson.I didn't know you cared for Mark this much I mean I can take care of him from now on. I'll make him move home to me" she shed a tear I think I know what she is thinking ' What am I saying? He might as well not make it but why is Jackson trying to go through it?  He could be having his life right now but he is sitting here' 

"Jackson you can go home and get some sleep I'll be here with Mark," She says smiling at me even though she is crying 

"I'm not leaving, I am gonna stay," I say simply 

"you really are a keeper"  She mumbles

We sat quietly for a while and I thought about what she said what does she mean by a keeper. 

"I hope you take care of Mark, Navi  He needs it, "I tell her 

"Wanna know something Jackson?" She asks me and I turn my head towards her 

"Mark needs somebody like you in his life, He rarely meets  guys that want to be with him, People usually calls him a fag" she chuckled and looked at the poor boy

"why do they call him fag?" I ask her

"oh he haven't told you?  He's Gay" she simply says

and right there my world stop, he's Gay?

"He's Gay?" I ask confused and She nods 

"but I thought you guys where" I start and she shook her head and then said "NONONONOO  no offense to this shit but Mark isn't my type, He's too quiet and good boy, " she says and pats the boy's head and I nod

So that means I have a chance with him, I can actually make him mine. 

"I wanted to tell you if you decided to actually hit on him, " she says 

"wait how did you know?" I asked her 

"I know a lot of things Jackson and the way you guys met and how nice you have been to him I just know, " she said,

"why were so many kids mean to him?" I ask her

"You see Mark was always this good child, No matter how much you've treated him wrong he will apologize and then take you back in a heartbeat, " She says looking at the poor boy 

"how did you two meet?" I ask her yet again since I am curious 

"Well since Mark was this lonely but good child in school I made fun of him A LOT, There wouldn't be a day where I did not make fun of his stupid but cute haircut or his quietness and I guess after 8th grade when this girl called Ashley also found out by Mark's sexuality she wanted to trick him to make him miserable, I, however, did not want to make fun of his sexuality. It was fun making fun of everything with him but the sexuality he can't do much about. So I started to hang out with Mark instead and ever since that day we've been friends." She  explains to me with  a small smile 

"But he refers you as his childhood friend" I mention

"Yea that's because this fucker considered me as a friend even though I made fun of him and he didn't give two craps he found it funny cause he wasn't as alone even though we did not say nice things to him" she tells me and I nod 

"so he is nice when he shouldn't be?" I ask and she nods

"I wish I could honestly take back everything I have said to him After I got to know him more I  honestly liked his personality and felt bad cause I had been so mean to a person I did not even know that well" she sighs 

Next day BamBam and JB decides to show up

"how's he doing?" JB asks me and I shrug. Not because I did not want to say it was because I really don't know if he is getting better or not. He has been stable for a few days now but he hasn't woken up yet.I hope he wakes up soon. 

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