How Mark Stops Youngjae From Crying

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Markeu: I'm not gay, but you look hot today

Sunshine: we're boyfriends??

Markeu: I prefer the term "bisexual"

Sunshine: but you're currently in a gay relationship with me

Sunshine: so I'm going to refer to you as gay

Markeu: "currently"

Markeu: not for long~

Sunshine: :'(

Markeu: oh shit, I can see you tearing up

Markeu: babe, I was joking!





Sunshine: anything?

Markeu: anything.


Markeu: are you still at the store with Jinyoung and Jaebum?

WangGae: yeah and it fucking blows

WangGae: I swear I hate third wheeling

Markeu: sorry to hear that but do you mind doing me a favor

WangGae: as long as it distracts me having to witness them being all domestic and arguing over what to have for dinner

Markeu: can you buy a gallon of strawberry ice cream?

WangGae: you made JaeJae cry again, didn't you?

Markeu: accidentally!

WangGae: what'd you do this time?

Markeu: I joked that we were gonna break up soon

WangGae: wow you're such an ass

Markeu: just buy the ice cream please

WangGae: fine

Markeu: thank you!!

WangGae: oops gotta go

WangGae: Jaebum is trying to stop Jinyoung from brawling with this old lady for the last bottle of kimchi

Markeu: lol record it

WangGae: hell yeah I will


Jaebummie: I heard you made my son cry again

Markeu: I heard that you let an old lady beat you with her cane AND you lost

Jaebummie: I'll have you know that I let her win

Markeu: that's not what it looked like on the video Jackson sent me

Jaebummie: I will give you $10 to delete the video and to never speak of this again

Markeu: $10 and a burger and you can consider it done

Jaebummie: ok

Markeu: cheese

Jaebummie: what?

Markeu: I want cheese on my burger

Jaebummie: um sure

Markeu: if there isn't cheese on my burger, I won't hesitate to expose you

Jaebummie: hyung, I already said okay. There's no need to expose anyone

Markeu: fantastic. it was a pleasure doing business with you

Jaebummie: I wish I could say the same

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