Mark's Shrine

696 43 14

Sunshine: I used your computer earlier...

Markeu: I can explain!

Sunshine: I just want to know how you managed to get all those pictures of me.

Markeu: I didn't want you to find out like this.

Sunshine: It's impressive, really. Even all of your computer icons and folders are pics of me.

Markeu: I swear I'm not an obsessive creep.

Markeu: I just really like your face.

Markeu: A lot.

Sunshine: I never said you were an obsessive creep, but now that you say that

Markeu: omg

Sunshine: I'm kidding! I actually think it's cute.

Markeu: You think it's cute that I use my favorite pictures of you as my wallpaper, ALL of my icons and folders, and as my Google background?

Sunshine: Pretty much, yeah.

Markeu: Marry me.

Sunshine: Ok.

Markeu: What?

Sunshine: What?

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