Happy Birthday, Mork Tuna!

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Today 12:00 AM


WangGae: I wish you the best of luck in the upcoming years of your life and that you live happily and follow your dreams.

WangGae: Also that you get some some ass tonight ;)


Today 12:01 AM

DabDab: Happy Birthday! 🎂

DabDab: I don't exactly want to get into anything sappy or tearjerking today, but just know that I'm happy you're still alive, and I look forward to our future together and hope that we'll always be best friends.

DabDab: Did I beat Jackson hyung?


Today 5:39 AM

Jaebummie: Happy birthday. 🎊😸🎉😺


Today 6:00 AM

Jinyoungie: Happy Birthday, Mark hyung! I'm sorry that I can't be there to celebrate with the others, since I'm filming for my new drama, but I hope you enjoy your birthday to the fullest.

Jinyoungie: Btw I left your present on the table. I hope you like it.


Today 9:45 AM


Brownie: I was planning on greeting you when it turned 12, but I couldn't find my phone. ^^;

Brownie: Make sure to eat seaweed soup today and have fun! I might even treat you when you wake up.


Today 3:23 PM

WangGae: Has anyone heard from Mark at all today? 

WangGae: I sent him my heartfelt birthday greeting and he still hasn't replied.

DabDab: Yeah, I've been dying to know if I was the first one to greet him today

WangGae: I was first

DabDab: You most definitely were not. I sent him a birthday greeting at 12:01

WangGae: I sent mine at exactly 12 am, so HAA

Brownie: It isn't about who greets him first. It's about how much heart we put into it

WangGae: Shut up. I know you were waiting all night to send your greeting at midnight, but you didn't because you couldn't find your phone

Brownie: How tf did you know I couldn't find my phone?

WangGae: ...

WangGae: Lucky guess?

Brownie: You were the one who hid my phone?!




WangGae: fITE ME IRL


Jinyoungie: As much as I'd love to see a fight right now, I'm gonna have to put my foot down this time.

Jaebummie: Why? I was just about to pop some corn.

Jinyoungie: Because I don't want you barbarians disturbing my children's sleep.

Brownie: Mark hyung and Youngjae hyung are still asleep? I thought they went out or something cause I didn't see them this morning. 

Jinyoungie: I'd be pretty damn impressed if I see either of them awake at this time.

DabDab: Mother, please explain.

Jinyoungie: Let's just say that Youngjae gave Mark hyung his present early.

Brownie: ?

Jaebum: Is that why you forced me to find those gags we never used?

WangGae: ⊙0⊙

Brownie: Ohhhhh

DabDab: Kinky

Jinyoungie: Since I assume my baby won't be able to walk for a while, we're not eating out to celebrate. Instead, I'm ordering take out for dinner. 

WangGae: Did Youngjae really get fucked that good? 

Jaebumie: Oh yeah. So good and so damn roughly, too.

DabDab: How do you know?

Jaebumie: Jinyoung and I may or may not have listened in for a while. 

Brownie: You guys are such pervs

Jaebumie: Trust me, kid. You would've stayed for the whole thing if you heard the kind of bedroom talk that was going on behind those doors. 

DabDab: I would give all of my money to watch them have sex

WangGae: You guys haven't seen their sex tape?

Jinyoungie: (*〇□〇)......!

DabDab: They have a sex tape, and they never let me borrow it?!

Brownie: They actually filmed a sex tape!??

Jaebumie: How much?

WangGae: I remember coming home early, and I walked in on them doing it with a camera set up in front of them. I asked if I could watch the tape, and they obviously said no. But then your boy pulled out some cash and got his hands on a work of art.

WangGae: They gave me only one day to watch it, and you can bet your non-virgin asses that I watched that tape over and over until I fell asleep and had the wettest dream you could ever imagine.

DabDab: I want. ヾ(o✪‿✪o)シ

Jinyoungie: I'd love to stay and chat about my need for that tape, but my break's over. 

Jinyoungie: Bummie, don't forget to pick up the cake.

Jinyoungie: And remember not to cause too much of a ruckus for Youngjae and Mark hyung.

WangGae: Bye!

DabDab: Good luck

Jaebummie: Alright, who wants to come with me to pick up the cake?

WangGae: Me! I want to buy some extra desserts.

Jaebummie: Ok. That leaves Yugyeom and Bambam to decorate

Jaebummie: No goofing off.

Brownie: Do you know who you're talking to?

Jaebummie: At least finish decorating by the time we get back.

DabDab: Aye aye, sir.

WangGae: Let's get this party started!

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