Yugbam Being Yugbam

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DabDab: Gyeomieeee, are you mad at me?

Brownie: Let's see... 

Brownie: You didn't hang out with me at all today and instead 

Brownie: You ran around making fun of Jaebum hyung's chin and possibly almost died

Brownie: You switched out Jackson hyung's organic shit for regular shit

Brownie: You wrapped brown paper on every single one of Jinyoung hyung's books so that he can't find the ones he wants

Brownie: You snuck into Mark and Youngjae hyung's room and filmed them making out for like 20 minutes (pls send it to me)

Brownie: You fucking dabbed and dyed your hair bright red without me

Brownie: Now tell me, Bam, what do you think about all of this?

DabDab: Soooo, are you mad at me?

Brownie: lol nah

Brownie: Just bring me along next time

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