The Things We Notice In Life

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WangGae: I noticed something very interesting today

DabDab: ya'll saw Jaebum hyung's wig?

DabDab: I knew he was losing hair, but damn, no one told me the man was going bald

WangGae: LMAO

Brownie: lol

Jaebummie: Laugh all you want, but you're all dead when I get back from promotions

DabDab: Not if my bae has anything to say about it

Jaebummie: Yugyeom's dying with you

DabDab: Oh, you didn't hear?

Jaebummie: ?

DabDab: Youngjae and I are officially "dating"

WangGae: Why the quotations?

DabDab: I would say it without the quotations, but Mark hyung would probably kill me in my sleep

Jaebummie: I'll do you a favor and get to you before he does :)


DabDab: S.O.S.

Markeu: You called? -yj

DabDab: Why are you texting with Mark's phone?

DabDab: Not that I care or anything, just curious

Brownie: Don't tell me you're actually jealous

Brownie: I, YOUR REAL BOYFRIEND, am literally right here.

DabDab: I never said I was jealous tho??

DabDab: I'm pretty sure the jealous one here is you

WangGae: oOOhh a lover's quarrel!

Jaebummie: I'm too tired for this shit

Jinyoungie: Yugyeom's just mad that he still isn't allowed to drink chocolate milk

Brownie: If admitting to being jealous will get you to pay attention to me, then yes. I'm jealous

Brownie: And hell yeah I'm still mad that you took away my milk!!!

DabDab: Good.

Brownie: What?

DabDab: Since you acknowledged your need for my love, I'll give you what you want

Brownie: Are you saying you did all that just to see me make a fuss?

DabDab: No. Everything was real, but seeing you all needy was a bonus

Brownie: . . .

Brownie: I'll take it.

Jinyoungie: Glad to see you've worked things out

Jinyoungie: Now, where did Youngjae go?

Brownie: Really? That's your priority right now?

Jinyoungie: Yes, because he hasn't said anything for a while now. He hasn't even greeted me yet

Markeu: He fell asleep

Markeu: And Bam?

DabDab: Yeah?

Markeu: Sleep with one eye open tonight

DabDab: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )


Jaebummie: Spit it out

WangGae: I don't like your attitude

Jaebummie: K

Jaebummie: I'll just leave then

WangGae: I noticed Mark hyung limping all day and he refused to sit on his ass

Jaebummie: And I'm back


Jinyoungie: Stfu Santa wannabe

DabDab: I'm going to ignore the haters right now cause I just found out that Mark Tuan bottoms

Brownie: I always thought Mark hyung tops

Markeu: Nah it changes from time to time

Brownie: What's that supposed to mean?

Markeu: It means that sometimes, I want to get bent over and fucked into submission

Markeu: and other times, I want Youngjae begging for me to let him cum

DabDab: tmi but thanks for the great visual ;)

Jaebummie: I am disgusted

Jinyoungie: Says the one who asked if we could switch positions last night


Brownie: I'm too young for this rated-R content

DabDab: Says the one who brings his sexual dance moves to the bedroom

Jinyoungie: Get exposed, bitch

Brownie: You make it sound like you don't have your dirty little bedroom secrets

Jinyoungie: They're only "secrets," because no one ever asks

Brownie: Alright, hyung. Spill.

Sunshine: Hello! ( ^ω^ )

Jinyoungie: Hi! ^ - ^

DabDab: Hey, bae

Markeu: excuse you?

Jaebummie: Sup

WangGae: Heyooo

Brownie: Hey

WangGae: I like how Mark isn't the only whipped one here

Markeu: I don't think I like it

Sunshine: ??

DabDab: I'm hungry.

WangGae: That was random o.o

DabDab: Youngjae hyung, let's go out to eat.

DabDab: It's on me

Sunshine: Really?! Let's gooooo!

Brownie: As if I'm letting you ditch me again. I'm going, too

WangGae: Bam's paying? I want to come!

Jinyoungie: You're not going out to eat without me. Jaebum and I are coming, as well.

DabDab: Damn, this was supposed to be my and Youngjae's second "date," not a family get-together

Markeu: Really now? That's too bad.

Markeu: Thanks for paying, Bambam! I'll make sure to eat well.

DabDab: RIP my bank account T^T



Jinyoungie: Shut up and pass the meat

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