Stop Fighting, Please, part #1 Scolding (Meff)

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School had just ended and Jeff was walking to his car, ready to go home, when he saw a crowd forming. He pushed his way through to see his boyfriend, Montgomery fighting some guy who was a lot bigger than him. Jeff was angry, he hated it when Monty got into fights, but he knew his boyfriend would end up injured if he didn't step in. He pulled the guy off of Monty before pulling Monty up and dragging him to his car. Once the car doors were shut the scolding started, and it didn't stop, not even when they got to Jeff's house.

Jeff drug Monty into his house and up the stairs, still scolding. Monty just looked to the ground and allowed himself to be drug around and manhandled. They went into the bathroom and Jeff picked Monty up, setting him on the sink and pulling out some cotton pads and peroxide.

“This is probably gonna hurt and I'm not sorry.”

Monty just nodded, still looking down, refusing to make eye contact with Jeff. He was embarrassed because Jeff was scolding him like he was a child who had done something wrong but he was also confused. If Jeff was so mad at him why did he take him home with him and why is he cleaning him up?

“Monty, look at me,” a still angry Jeff more or less ordered. Monty slowly looked up at him but still wouldn't make eye contact. Jeff sighed and gently grabbed Monty's face, “why won't you actually look at me?”

“You're gonna yell at me more,” he said.

“The only reason I'm mad is because he was a lot bigger than you, he already hurt you, imagine what he could've done if I hadn't gotten there when I did.”

Monty shrugged, not really thinking about it in that way. No one had ever cared about him getting hurt they always just got mad about him getting into fights, telling him to control his anger or that he needed to go to a counselor or something. This was the first time someone was actually worried about his safety.

“Don't shrug at me. Do you have any idea what I would do if something happened to you?”


“If something happened to you and you got hurt badly, it would kill me. Even seeing you like this kills me, I hate it. I need you safe and uninjured.”

“Well I don't like being injured…”

“So stop picking fights you know you can't win.”

“But what's the fun in that?” Monty asked with a smile.

Jeff shook his head, “come on princess, let's go to my room.” Jeff started walking out.

“Don't call me that!” Monty yelled.

“I do what I want!” Jeff yelled back, both of them starting to laugh.

Monty jumped down from the sink and walked to Jeff's room. Jeff was already laying on his bed, and he held his arms out for Monty to join him which is exactly what he did. They fell asleep just like that, cuddled up together with Monty on top of Jeff.

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