Another 18 Days (Justlex)

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Justin had locked himself in his room. He had no calls, no texts, nothing. He'd been in there for days, only leaving when he was sure everyone in the apartment was asleep. All he had been doing is looking through all the pictures he had of them and all of their texts. As he reread that goddamn text for the umpteenth time, he knew he had to make a decision and it had to be made soon. He started typing but deleted it, he repeated these actions another five or so times before settling and sending the text.

Compose message:

To: Alex

Meet me at the tracks in 20 min. We need to talk.

He locked his phone and got up, putting clothes on and messing with his hair, wanting to look presentable for Alex, but mainly he just didn't want Alex to realize how much of a wreck he actually was. He opened his door as quietly as he could and looked around, making sure it was safe for him to exit. When he saw no one he made his escape, getting to the front door as fast and quietly as possible. He opened it and ran out, heading for the train tracks.

Justin knew that Alex would be there before him beings as the boy had a car and he was walking. He used this time to think, what would he say to Alex? Are they going to stay together, or is this the end? He didn't want them to be over but he also didn't know how well they would be, trust has obviously been broken, however, he still wanted Alex. Out of all the outcomes that he went through in his head the only thing that stuck was that he wanted Alex. He turned to the dirt road that lead to the tracks. 'Only a few more minutes to make up your mind.' He continued walking and trying to come up with a conclusion, but could not. He saw Alex's car, then he saw Alex. He was sitting on a fence, his back to Justin. He was looking up at the sky, maybe he was admiring the moon, or perhaps the stars. 'Times up,' Justin thought as he approached Alex, who turned to look at him having heard footsteps. Justin walked closer and stood next to where Alex sat all was silent until Alex suddenly spoke.

"It's a shooting star, make a wish."

Justin looked up at the star. 'Make a wish they say, but what to wish for,' he thought. He looked to Alex, who was still looking up, and then he looked back to the ground as the silence became uncomfortable and felt as though it was drowning them. They both wanted it to go away but neither wanted to be the one to break it. Alex sighed and got off the fence, now standing in front of Justin, them eye to eye.

"We need to talk," he stated.

"We do," Justin agreed.

"Do you want to talk first or do I? I'm not sure who should, I've never done this before.."

"Nice to know I'm the first person you've cheated on," Justin said looking into his eyes, anger, confusion, and sadness filled Justin's eyes and Alex's were sad.

Alex broke eye contact and looked down, "I deserve that, I know I do. I fucked up and I don't know why I did it, but I did and there's no way to take it back although I wish there were. You'll probably never trust me again, and I understand that completely. If you're done with me and want me to go, tell me. If you never want to see me again, tell me to fuck off. I will do what you say because as much as I want to fight for you, I don't want to hurt you."

"I need to know why. You say you don't know why you did it, but there has to be reasons."

"It could've been alcohol that caused it, it could've been weed. It could've been my cousins who kept pestering me to do it. It also could've been the fact that he was giving me the most male attention I'd gotten in weeks."

"What do you mean by 'the first male attention in weeks'?"

"Well, you never paid attention to me unless we were alone and when we were alone you were always on your phone. I felt like you didn't care which is why I went through with it, why I let it continue. I told myself that you didn't care and that you were probably cheating on me; that you weren't even into guys and that this whole thing was just a bet," his voice cracked at the end as he started crying more.

Justin thought back and realized Alex was right, he was a shitty boyfriend. He ignored Alex if there were other people around and when they were alone he was texting his friends the whole time. No wonder Alex thought that he didn't care. "Then why didn't you say something?"

"I didn't know how."

"Why didn't you break up with me?"

"Because I love you."

"Why? Why would you love me? I should mean nothing to you. That's all I am, nothing."

"You may think you're nothing, but to me you're everything."

Alex kissed him, hoping he wouldn't push him away, he smiled when he didn't.

"Justin, I love you. Will you let me love you?"

Justin, who was crying as well, put his head on Alex's shoulder and nodded. Before whispering, "I don't know what love is, I don't know how to love. I also don't know how to accept love will you show me?"

"Of course."

They climbed on top of Alex's car and watched the sky. Justin in Alex's arms, trying to stay as warm as possible in the cold night. Alex kissed the top of his head.

"Hey Justin, guess what."


"My wish came true."

"Wish? What wish?"

"The shooting star."

"You wished we would stay together?"


"Really? Out of everything you could've wished for, it was us to stay together? Why?"

"I already told you, I love you. You mean the world to me."

Justin smiled at him but Alex could tell he didn't believe him. He knew there was nothing he could do but wait, wait until Justin got used to having someone care about him, until he got used to love.

They both looked at the sky, sitting on a car in a cold May night. Cuddled up together, holding each other tightly. The silence was no longer uncomfortable but instead it was peaceful.

"I never want to spend another eighteen days away from you."

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