Partners In Crime (Justlex & Meff)

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Alex had no idea when his life had come to this and why he was still doing it. Him and Justin had been married for about a year before it all began. He doesn't remember how it began or why he agreed to it, but he did. Now he was sitting in the back of a black van with five other people. Justin, Montgomery, and Jeff were the only ones in the group that Alex had known. There were two other people, Cheyann and Damon. They had picked the two up off the street about six months ago and they both fit into the team well. They were sitting in the van outside of the liquor store, all were afraid. This was the end of their run. They would go in get what they needed and leave, never to be heard from again. It was a foolproof plan but Alex still had his doubts, he knew they could still get hurt.

He remembered when Justin told him about the plan earlier that week. "Think about it Alex, we go out and hit all these places then we're done."

"I don't know Justin, it seems dangerous."

"Alex, we'll be fine. This is gonna be a series of small jobs then a big one at the end, it's nothing we haven't done before and we've never been caught before."

Alex sighed, "I still don't know Justin."

"Just think about it, we'll live like spoiled royalty with the money we'll get. Damon and CHeyann will have a nice place to live, and Jeff and Monty won't end up on the streets. They'll be able to buy a new place. This is going to go well ALex, I know it. One last series of jobs, then we're done forever."

"What if we get caught?"

"We won't. Trust me Lex, we got this. We've been doing this for about a year now without getting caught. We'll be fine."

He sighed again, "alright. Let's do it."

Now, sitting in the back of the van, he regretted say yes. He didn't know why he said yes. They were in a circle, Alex was between Justin and Cheyann. Justin, who was the leader in this whole operation, held a gun. Monty was loading all of the guns and passing them to everyone else. Alex and Cheyann were by far the best shots so they had to go in first and if anything happened, they were the ones that had to shoot. Alex and Cheyann hated it, they were told they had to kill people if it came down to it, alex didn't want to be a murderer but lucky for him, it never came down to that.

Once they all had their guns Justin spoke up, "Are you ready?"

"Yes," was the response he got from them all.

"Let's go then."

Justin swung open the doors of the van and got out, everyone following them. Alex took a deep breath before bursting through the doors, Cheyann right behind him. Once they got in Alex and Justin walked up the the front, the others behind them. It was clear to everyone who was in charge.

"Everybody freeze," Justin yelled.

"Nobody move," Alex said, pointing his gun at the works.

Monty walked up with a bag, Justin taking it from him, "put the money in the bag."

"Or we will shoot," alex said, motioning between him and Cheyann.

The worker emptied out the cash register but that wasn't enough, "empty out the vault and we'll be on our way."

The scared man did what he was told, the outlaws keeping their promise and leaving once he did. Before they left Monty turned around, pointing his gun at the man, "if you call the cops on us, I will come back and kill you." The man frantically nodded and Monty grabbed a bottle of whiskey, running out of the store and getting in the passenger seat as Jeff, the getaway driver, drove off.

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