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Guys! I need more ideas, comment or message  any number or combination of numbers and a ship and I'll write it!

Edit: the numbers won't show up and it's irritating me.....

 "All I ask, my one request is don't forget me, don't regret me."

 "All I wanted was you."

 "Am I the only one that thinks that you should stay alive?"

 "Apologize all you want, it doesn't mean I'll take you back."

 "Are you gonna yell at me too? It's okay, I know I deserve it."

 "Arrogant boy, love yourself so no one has to, they're better off without you, you're lucky if your memory remains."

 "By the time you're hearing this I'll already be gone."

 "Can we create something beautiful and destroy it?"

 "Can you chase away the darkness?"

 "Can you tell me what hurts more, remembering or forgetting?"

 "Did you ever even love me?"

 "Did you call me last night just 'cause you couldn't get laid?"

 "Do you still love me? I am dying to know."

 "Do you want me or do you want me dead?"

 "Does every evil genius have a secret fridge full of Nutella?"

 "Don't make me walk out the door, if I do I'm leaving and I'm not coming back."

 "Don't tell your other man."

 "Don't threaten me with a good time."

 "Don't throw this away."

 "Don't touch me!"

 "Don't you try and blame this on me!"

 "Everything I do for you seems pointless."

 "For you I'd count the salt under the sea."

 "Fuck money, we want love."

 "The hardest thing I could ever do is say goodbye and walk away from you."

 "Hearts are only open when they break."

 "Hit me like a man."

 "How did we end up like this?"

 "How was I supposed to know you were over me?"

 "I better learn to live alone."

 "I can barely say your name."

 "I can't be what you need."

 "I can't be sober around you."

 "I can't hurt you anymore."

 "I can't sleep; hold me?"

 "I didn't do it on purpose."

 "I don't care how old you are, if you act like a child I'm gonna treat you like one."

 "I don't know who you are anymore."

 "I don't need you."

 "I don't think you'll ever want to love me."

 "I don't want to be alone, I want to be with you."

 "I dream that I'm your only one."

 "I drink because of you."

 "I found my one regret and it was you."

 "I guess I'll go home now."

 "I hate feeling like I can't trust you."

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