Chapter 7

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"Well?" Cecilia asked as soon as she saw her loving husband enter the room. "How did it go?" She was holding the sleeping kitten in her arms.

"The young master said that you may stay here with me," He said, "but we must be on our best behavior. If not, you could be relocated to the other wing."

"So?" She asked, "We're demons aren't we? We don't need sleep... The darkness could be our flames." Sebastian was now sitting next to her, his hand wrapped around her waist. The butler smiled. "It's been two years..." She said longingly, "I haven't been able to touch you, kiss you, be by your side for two years..." Her petite body snuggled against his firm body. "When you hadn't come home in so long...I got worried...why didn't you contact me? You know how miserable I am without you..."

"I know love, I know.." Sebastian set the kitten down gently and hugged his wife. "I'm sorry...taking care of 5 people at once gets carried away sometimes... But now you're here, my darling, we'll never be separated again." He grasped her face with his hand and slowly inched their faces closer together. Their lips collided, and they exchanged their first kiss in two years.


The sun rose again, but the clouds from the day before covered the ball of light. The married couple were still in their bedroom, smiles presented on both of their faces, love was in their eyes, and their fingers were intertwined.

"Good morning my love." Sebastian said as he ran his free hand into his wife's hair. She smiled at him back, giggling quietly before she replied back.

"Good morning my dear." Her exposed body pressed against his, and giggled some more.

"No more." Sebastian said.

"Aw!" Cecilia whined, "Why not?! Two years love..years!"

"I know..." The dark haired man said as he looked at his love, "But we went all night..and I told you we had to behave."

"I did." Cecilia said, "I was a good girl, wasn't I? I even did things you told me to do." Her voice went to a purr, and her body snuggled against the male.

"We need to stop now.." Sebastian said with disappointment ringing in his voice, "The young master needs to be woken up in a few moments."

"The young master this, the young master that." Cecilia said in disgust as she scrunched her face, "The young master needs to leave your least for now..." She ran her hand up the male's chest slowly, "I've missed this..."

"I can tell you have." Sebastian said, he almost regretted his decision to leave the comfort of his bed. "But I must attend to my master." Cecilia could feel her anger rising within her. Her fists gripped the white bed sheet, the only thing that covered her. A snarl portrayed on her face, her eyes glowed red.

"You're abandoning me, your wife, for something that's just going to end up in your stomach?!" Sebastian now had his clothes on, and his hair was readjusted so everything was perfect and orderly. Just as he was about to exit the room he sighed, and turned towards his love.

"You just wouldn't understand."

Yeouch... Definitely something you shouldn't say to your wife! D: But thanks for reading!

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