March 15th,2017

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I remember the day so vividly. It was a typical Early Spring Day. The flowers started to bloom as a light shower of rain fell. That day was the day that Noah asked me out. He's the typical stereotype of a jock. He wears the Fleet High School Bomber jacket almost every day. His hair is the perfect shade of golden brown enlightened by his big emerald colored eyes. He is in every school sports team, and he towers over me. People called us the perfect couple,we both had the same color hair and eyes. In my opinion we could pass as siblings but who was I to judge.

It was during lunch time, that he asked me out. I, the typical nerd that I am was doing my AP Chem homework as I ate my grilled cheese sandwhich.

He walked over from the popular kids' table and stopped in front of me. The whole lunchroom stopped talking and stared at us.

He nervously ran his hand through his hair,as his cheeks bloodied.His green eyes twinkling brightly as he stammered the words

"So,Erica, I was wondering if..."

His friends erupted into laughter before he even finished asking me,causing me to question if this was all a dare or a bet.

"Anyways,I was wondering if you were available tomorrow, after school?"

I, being the nerd that I was, was speechless. I had no remarkable features,or remarkable talents except my gift in knowledge. But no guy thought that attractive.

I forcibly stammered out one sentence.

"I....Well tomorrow, I have a book club meeting to go to..."

His face automatically fell,and his smile was replaced by a frown.

"But I mean, I think I can skip one meeting,so what time do you want to meet?"

I internally cringed the whole time. Since when, did I know anything about dating?

A look of relief took place on his face as a small smile appeared. His whole stance relaxed.My eyes couldn't help giving him a once over. He looked good today as always. But the one thing that kept bugging me was why did he have interest in me? He slowly turned and said over his shoulder,

"Tomorrow at 7? At the cafe next to the mall. Should I pick you up?"

"Yeah that would be perfect. Should I give you my number so I could text you the address?"

He cringed a little as my words came out overly excited,causing me to visibly wince. I did say this was an awkward encounter.


He gave a nervous cough,as I gave him my phone number. He mouthed me a thank you,and walked away back to his tables where all of his friends patted him on the back. He stole a glance at me and gave a small smile. I smiled back. So me, Erica Roberts, the biggest nerd of the school has a date with one of the hottest guys in school. That's something big to wrap my head around. But unfortunately, I never made it to the date. After lunch a big incident occurred in 5th period History. The class he has with me.

Thank you for reading so far!Please comment down below if you enjoyed it or some feedback!

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