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"Okay class, today we are going to go deeper into our study of World War 2. Now who can list the names of the main dictators of this time. "

Chuckles filled the class as jokes started to arise from the word "deeper". I will not go deeper into High School teenager jokes. I raised my hand. As I raised my hand, a sudden feeling of vertigo overcame me. I closed my eyes and bit my lip to let it pass.

"Yes, Erica?"

Bile waded itself up my throat, as nausea overcame me. Forcibly I answered,

"Adolf Hitler for Germany, Joseph Stalin for the Soviet Union, and......"

I held my mouth as I felt the throw up push through. No way was I about to throw up in front everyone, Junior Year. Especially in front of Noah. Everyone looked at me in concern, as I felt my face drain out of its color.

"Erica, are you okay dear?"

"Not really, Mrs. Jensen could I go to the Nurse's Office?"

She nodded. Suddenly, the room started to spin. I held my head to keep control, nausea and vertigo mixed, is not the best feeling. I can tell you that. Dizziness overcame me as my peers' started to whisper to one another with concern in their voices.  

As I stood up to leave, the world turned black as I fainted.


I cracked my eyes open as the sight of the school nurse, and Noah faced me. His beautiful face was etched with worry as his brows furrowed. The Nurse's face was of high concern as well as her shrill voice said,

"You gave us quite the scare today, Ms. Roberts."

An extremely sharp sensation started to rock my head. I winced as the pain of a thousand knives shook my head. I must've looked like a mess, with my face the color of a sheet of paper, and my eyes bloodshot from sickness. What must've Noah thought of me?

"You're mother was alerted, and she will be coming soon. So far based on my diagnosis, I think you just have the common cold or Flu. But I would check out a doctor to make sure."

"Thanks, Mrs.Ventimont."

She nodded, and left. Noah sat down on one of the chairs next to the bed that I reclined on. He looked over to me and asked gently,

"Are you okay Erica?"

"I just embarrassed myself in front of thirty people, my mom is probably terrified, and the nurse thinks I did all this just so I could skip class. I think I'm doing awesome. Thank you."

I immediately regretted what I said. Why did I have to be such a jerk sometimes? Why does my sarcasm have to be the first thing that comes out of my mouth? A guy actually cares about me for once and all I'm doing is throwing away the opportunity. The sound of a deep laugh was heard. I looked over at him. Noah was laughing. He was laughing! It was a deep melodic sound and it actually matched him in my opinion. He held his stomach as he continued to laugh. My cheeks warmed in anger. How dare he laugh at me?

"What are you laughing at?"

He looked over at me with a smile and in a composed style he answered,

"You. You are just so cute, and funny. Why were you hiding this from everyone Roberts?"

"Hiding what?"

"Hiding you're sarcasm. Its adorable. Around people you're always so brainy and monotone."

"I'm monotone?"

"You were."

"Then why did you ask me out? Was it a bet? Did you think that I was easy?"

"No, No. First of all before this escalates, I asked you out because you always strike me as special. You're real not like all the other girls, and as I have now discovered I like you."


I turned away from him. He continued to chuckle. God, guys are so annoying and confusing. To think, that I actually like him. How could someone like someone so much and hate them so much at the same time?

At that moment, the door was slammed open as my mom came in. She immediately looked at Noah and glared.

"What did you do to her! I swear if you did anything to my daughter, I swear I will..."

 Noah stood up, and held his hand out in defeat.

"Mrs.Roberts, please I didn't touch you're daughter, I actually carried her to the Nurse's office after she fainted."

Embarrassment filled me as I thought of him carrying me in his arms. Actually that brought me happy thoughts. It must've looked like those typical high school movies. Where the girl faints and the guy has to save her.

My mom wasn't convinced. She turned to me for confirmation, and I nodded. This happens a lot with my mom. We're so close that entire conversations are replaced by simple gestures. We have went through so much. A nasty divorce with my worthless father who left my mom with no income when I was eight years old. Now she's the top doctor in the city. Who doesn't know Mrs. Robert's? That's probably why Noah's eyes were filled with fear as she blamed him.

My mom enveloped me in a hug and kissed the top of my head.

"Right now I have scheduled for you an appointment with Dr. Bartell"

I groaned. Dr.Bartell is the worst doctor. He isn't a bad doctor in the sense that he doesn't know what he is doing. But he's always too talkative, too aware. And to top that all of, he stares too much, if you know what I mean.

"I'm fine, I just have the flu."

I burst into a fit of coughs, the nausea returning to me. As the headache persisted. My mom's face turned into that of worry.

"No you aren't fine.Im taking you now."

She turned to Noah.

"What's you're name boy?"

"It's Noah Williams, Mrs. Roberts."

"Well then Noah, when my daughter comes back from the flu, I better not hear the fact that you broke her heart. Okay? And dont worry I have my ways of knowing so. So tread slowly Noah Williams."

He gulped and nodded. I have never seen him this tight, well now I guess he has met his match. I held a laugh with a snort at the scene between the two. My mom gave me the we will talk about this later look. Oh no, I was in trouble as well. Talk about the worst way for the guy who likes you to meet your mom for the first time.

After my mom signed me out of school, Noah walked back towards the History class but not before waving and mouthing a goodbye to me. I did the same. I never knew that that was the last time that I would have World History.

Thank you for reading! If you have any comments or feedback please comment below. Thank you very much again!

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