Between white walls.

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I'm now going to fast forward to where I am right now.Now it turned out that I do have stage 2 cancer.Leukemia to be exact.I have spent weeks after the children's hospital diagnosis hospitalized.They want to make sure the cancer doesn't spread anymore than it already has.I now sit in a bed between white walls.The walls watch every move I make,they laugh at me and tease me.The walls remind me daily of a question that has plagued my mind ever since Dr.Bartell's first diagnosis.
Why me?Why did I get cancer of all the other teens in my high school?Why was I hit with something so ruining and plaguing when my life got so good.I had a boyfriend,my grades were the top of the class.The Ivy League schools set their eyes on me ever since my perfect AP class tests.And now three weeks later I am sitting in a bed staring at white walls.

"Okay Erica,it's time for your chemo.Don't worry sweetheart,it's only twice a week."

That was my nurse,Katie.She was a newly grad from UW.I nodded and stared out of the window for a second.The sun was shining.Its rays hit my window,making tears threaten the corner of my eyes.I yearned for one thing.I wished to go outside again.To leave these white walls.I wished to feel the sun's rays on my skin again.I yearned to drink a smoothie from Jamba Juice!I wanted to be a normal teenager.Whose problems concerned their boyfriends' and their hair or makeup.Now my problems are what times I get my chemo or for how much longer I would live.

Katie came to me and held me as I looked down at myself.Beneath the hospital robe my body was bones covered by a thin layer or skin.Gone were my muscles that bulged from my athletic activity.Now what replaced them was bone.Gone was my tan sun kissed skin,now it's replaced by a pasty sickly green color.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I remembered my old self.Memories that's the only thing that haunts me.How am I supposed to keep living.How am I supposed to keep fighting for life!

I stood up slowly with Katie holding my hand and suddenly my legs started to shake as I stood.This was because I was sitting for such a long time,my legs felt like jelly.I shrieked as they gave away causing me to fall on the tiled floor.To add more pain to my internal pain my butt now hurt.Sobs started to rock my body.

I was sick of all of this,I need to be free,I need a flashback remote.A remote which allows me to go to a time where I have no cancer,a time where I'm with Noah holding hands and going to a date.Me wearing a cute dress and him in a matching tux as we walk to prom.Cancer took all these dreams away from me it left me weak and hopeless.

As Katie picked me up and tried to comfort me,a familiar face stood in the door.Katie turned to where I was looking to.

"There are no visitations at this time unless it's the direct family.You should leave."

The visitor shook his head and with confidence swaggered in.Under his mask of confidence his eyes hid pain and longing.

"Is it okay if I even speak to her for a little while?Please!"

"But she's already behind schedule for her chemo!"

"Only for two minutes.Please!I am literally on my knees begging!"

The visitor was on his knees.His beautiful emerald eyes puffy and red from his constant shedding of tears.

Katie started to feel pity.Her eyes showed it but her stance showed a defensive tone.She nodded and stood by as I sat in the bed.

"Alone please?"

Katie looked to me for confirmation.I answered in a raspy voice.

"It's okay Katie."

She left the room,but not without doing the "I'm watching you" signal to the visitor.As the door closed,he came towards me.The feelings that I felt for this visitor resurfaced again.

"Noah what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you Erica.Everyone at school said that you got pregnant or something or you suddenly moved."

"You came to just prove their rumors right?"

"No,no that's not why.I came just to know how you were doing.I asked the counselor Mrs.Murdock about where you were.She told me that you were in the hospital but they didn't know why.Because you and your mom wouldn't disclose that information."

A headache sliced through my thoughts as the shock of Noah coming hit me.I must've looked terrible to him.I always wondered what he thought of me.

Thank you so much for continuing to read!I love you so much.I will be entering this story for the Watty's tomorrow!You're awesome!

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