"She's still beautiful"-Noah

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-Noah POV

Many people would think of me as a heartless jock who steals girls hearts then leaves then empty and worthless.First of all that's not true.I have not dated since middle school.And all the girls in middle school did not make me feel the way Erica has.

I have watched her ever since freshman year,when we had the same homeroom class.She struck me as someone who was sassy and special.It was just something about her that attracted her to me.She just had this aura and she was so mysterious.I felt that I had to know what she was hiding.

At that time she was friends with Jane,a girl who was as popular as me before she moved.I was always jealous of Jane.I wish I had the attention and bond with Erica,that Jane had.They were close friends and I wish that I could have even talked to Erica.I was always so nervous.

If you didn't guess already,I'm Noah Williams,jock of Fleet High School.The biggest jerk who asked a girl out for a date too late.The guy who didn't get the girl he always wanted because of his fear.His fear that she wouldn't accept him for who he really was,under the mask of a jock.

As I look at Erica now,my heart weeps.She's still beautiful.And as I stare into her emerald eyes,I see something which shocks me.Despite her current state a fire burns in her eyes.A fire of strength masked by the feeling of being trapped.As she stares at me,I sense her feeling of jealousy.

She's jealous from me.She's jealous that I'm normal,that I get to see the sun,that I get to go to school and learn.She was always the smartest one in our high school.

Her bald head was hidden by a small beanie.Her face thin and tired as it reflected a pasty green color.But despite all of this she's still beautiful.

I wish that I had the courage to go up to her and hug her.And tell her that everything will be okay.But I didn't I don't have the courage to.

She silenced my thoughts by asking me in a raspy voice.

"Why are you here Noah?"

My heart broke into a thousand pieces.It made me think,why was I here?Why was I torturing myself by seeing her.She was probably mad at me for how I didnt even call or text her since the day she was diagnosed.She probably thinks that I'm those jerks who just want to prove some rumors.And to top that all of I just said something that further proved that.

"I came to see you Erica.Everyone at school said that you got pregnant or something or you suddenly moved."

I instantly regretted those words as a look of hurt filled her face.Her green tired eyes turned to vivid fire as her face flushed with anger.

"So you came just to prove a rumor?"

How could I be so heartless!To someone who has cancer as well!God I really was a jerk.She turned towards the window,probably hiding tears.I felt so bad and disgusted with myself for what I've done to Erica.I'm just not used to dealing with all these emotions!

"No,no that's not why.I came just to know how you were doing.I asked the counselor Mrs.Murdock about where you were.She told me that you were in the hospital but they didn't know why.Because you and your mom wouldn't disclose that information."

Her face turned back to me.It had dried tracks of tears along her cheeks.I almost started crying as we stood for about five minutes staring at each other.It was as if we were the only people in the world.Her features changed to those of awe.She's still beautiful.

The nurse barged in her face red and flushed with anger.

"Did he touch you dear!Because if he did I will get the surgeon and cut off his..."

"No,no Katie he hasn't touched me!He was fine."

"Okay sweethart.You're visiting time is over boy,now leave or I'll get security!"

God was she pushy.I nodded and turned to Erica.

"Bye Erica,You're still beautiful by the way."

Her face even though it was low on blood completely flushed as she blushed to the color of a ripe tomato.

I chuckled as the nurse's mouth opened wide with shock.

I closed the door behind me as I walked down the white tiled hallway.My mind swirling with emotions.Who was I becoming?I felt that I should be near her at all times reading to her,or bringing her gifts like I should be.I asked her out three weeks ago because I loved her,not because of a bet as she probably still thinks.I wonder what she thought of me after today.But she's still beautiful.

Thank you so much for reading this!!I will update it later!You are all awesome❤❤❤I tried something new by writing in Noah's POV please comment down below if I should continue doing this or not.

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