His Mission

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He drove for a good 10 minutes before pulling into a church parking lot. The church looked faintly familiar but I had probably passed it many times on the way to town. I didn't think much of it but looked to him. He knew I wasn't a church goer. "Why are we here?" I raised an eyebrow as he smiled innocently at me. "Come on don't ask questions just follow me." I looked at him like a little child who was scared. "Do you trust me?" He asked holding my hands in his as I stared into his hazel eyes. "Yes. No. Maybe. Kinda." I muttered all four before he smiled. "Good enough for me come on." He tugged me across his little three seater but I tried pulling away for a second. I wasn't ready. A sinner like me who has ran from God most of her life had no business walking into a church. "But." I protested as he shook his head and tugged my hands reassuringly. "Come on, i will be right beside you the whole time." It took me a second to climb out but he kept my hands in his the whole time. Finally I climbed out and he led me inside. We went into a gymnasium looking place first were a group of teenage boys played basketball, a group of teenage girls sat and talked giggling every now and again, and a group of both teenage boys and girls stood talking in a corner. Dax led me to the ones in the corner before I could fully process what was going on. This was just like gym class at school. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. "Hey brother Tom this is Bella." The other kids walked to another corner and talked laughing at something one of them had just said. The guy stuck his hand out so I shook it politely as he began speaking. "Well Bella its nice to meet you, we have four sets of youth groups that get together on Wednesday nights. On Sunday mornings and evenings they are all mixed. Your in the same grade as Dax right?" He asked as I tried to fully keep up with what he was saying since I was momentarily distracted by some guy who shot from half court. But Dax being the great guy he is, saved me. "Well she's a year ahead of me, but brother Tom let her stay with me please." He asked sweetly and I almost forgot a playerish side of this sweet boy existed. "Ok that's fine, um, we are about to get started we normally sing a little after all together so lets get to it and you'll actually be in there with me." I nodded and followed Dax and brother Tom into a little room to the right with beanbags. I sat between brother Tom and Dax and only two other kids came in and sat. Gisele and Jacob, at least that's what they introduced themselves as. "Okay our lesson is going to be pretty short today because we are going to have a moment of silence for our youth member Eli who just passed away, two months ago today, after we sing; but this is Bella a friend of Dax's." Brother Tom said.

He went here? I thought looking at Dax who maybe knew that as the other two kids said hi to me and I nodded. "I wonder if he ever fulfilled that mission he was talking about? Dax you went to school with him, did he ever tell you?" Gisele said looking at brother Tom. "Mission?" I asked before Dax could answer, but he looked slightly relieved. "He had a friend who wasnt godly and he was trying to figure out ways to bring her closer to God like slipping little sentences about God into his daily sentences. Or picking Christian songs to listen to when with her. Or watching Christian movies with her but he never revealed her name but Dax you knew her didn't you?" Jacob said bringing the attention back to Dax. "Uh, yeah I did." He said glancing over at me, looking uncomfortable. That's when it hit me.

It was me. I was Eli's mission. "Did you know Eli?" Brother Tom asked as I nodded struggling to focus after realizing I was the girl they were all talking about. I was sitting right here in front of them and they would never know. "Oh um yes sir he and I were really close." I mumbled out not even sure if what I thought in my brain came out of my mouth correctly. "Oh im sorry Bella." All three of them muttered as I looked down at my hands before looking up. "Its okay." I said looking at Dax knowing he knew that I was Eli's mission. That's why he brought me here. That's why. I was Eli's mission and Dax was going to help fulfill it and conquer the mission. And this church was amazing so I was going to help in any way he was. I never really thought about God and how he created every living thing on earth. The plants and animals the humans and skies everything. It was overwhelming to me but so amazing at the same time. I knew it would take time to make my amends but I was willing to give it all I had. I just hope Eli is smiling down at me if he is in the heaven I learned about.

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