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1.) who is your celebrity crush?
-Canadian celebrity crush is:
Shawn Mendes.
-American Celebrity crush is:
Will Smith ?¿ !dont judge "fresh prince" is lifeu
-Korean Celebrity Crush:

-American Celebrity crush is:Will Smith ?¿ !dont judge "fresh prince" is lifeu-Korean Celebrity Crush:

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That guy up dere ^

2.) something you can't live without?
Liquids, foods, friends, family and

3.)someone that's saved your life?
I was premature and my lungs were weak so....

4.)someone you look up to?
knock-on-wood  <she's so smart, i'm gonna take her as an inspiration to do better.

5.)favorite song:
Well.... THAT'S HARDEU!1!!!1
But, ATM
Dont wanna cry- SeVEnTEeN!1!
4 o'clock- V and Rapmon

6.)last movie you saw in theaters:
Beauty and The Beast.

7.)Next movie you hope to see?
Anything really.
I'm not a movie girl, i'm more of a series girl.

8.)Career Goal:
Be a lawyer.
Defend what's right.

9.)favorite color:
Idk, anything aesthetically pleasing.

10.)someone that annous you:
Grade 7, they're frickin' louder than us.
And Anti's
Me 2 Anti's and 7th graders:

(I'm sorry I had to. mycoolclifferd )

11.) favorite disney character:
Every one that exists.

12.) where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Probably in law school? Idk.

13.) favorite food?
*when you're hungry chicken is the best boomchkkikxkhi*

14.) If you could fly anywhere right now.
Canada or Korea.

15.)last person you texted?

This is it!

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