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it's not the sad that can be fixed by a person or the sad that's temporary it's the sad that's so deep that i don't think it's just sad anymore.

it's sad to the point even bts can't make me happy anymore, any form of music or creativity just turns into something negative everytime

it's not the kind of sad that can be stopped by compliments or the kind of sad that goes away overtime, a lot of people are lucky that there are people who care for them and make them feel genuinely wanted.

it's the kind of sad that can be covered up with psychotic laughs and huge smiles, the kind of sad that makes you miss the days you didn't give a fuck.

so to all the people who suffer the same i hope someone is making you smile, and i'm sorry that someone can't be me.

the person that's always there for me even if delayed and i can't be with you right now because nothing sweet or comforting can come out of my brain anymore, i'm so sorry, you can forget about me because i've just made ur life more stressful with my problems, and right now yur having problems of your own and you are so lucky to have people like CTRLPARK spookjin and satinmyg  and many more.

all the happiness and sunshine to you babe.

p.s the amount of times i said sad in this chapter is just sad

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