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eating good ass noodles and talking to meg and sofia always makes me feel so much better.

so my mom told me my internet friends might backstab me and shit but then i realize how lonely and how much of a loser i am without you guys (yoonsunn greedyguk taejaee emothynal and so much more)

also i want you guys to understand some of my insecurities.

since all if you are so pretty and talented.

greedyguk > you're face is of a goddess and you're writing is bomb

yoonsunn > you're face is so fuccing beautiful don't tell me otherwise and you're writibg talents I ENVY

taejaee > you're cover shop is the epitome of AESTHETIC

you all are so talented :(

and i'm feeling like i'm bandwagoning cause of gucci.
and i feel like all of you are a level above me and that i'm so happy i'm friends with you so i can feel that i belong! i love you all so much


xoxo, ayumi

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