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"So what was it like working so intimately with someone you just met?"

The interviewer asked as she crossed her legs and placed her note cards on top of her lap. I looked over at Mads and thought about the past six months that we had been working together.

I watched as he answered her question so calmly, as if there was nothing to hide. His hands were locked onto the arm rests of the chair. He started to laugh and I looked at the interviewer and she was laughing too. They both looked at me when they noticed I hadn't joined  them. Mads knuckles turned white from the grasp they had in the seat.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." I said as seriously as I could. The interviewer laughed but Mads did not.

"I guess you were a little side tracked. I would be too if I was sitting next to Denmark's sexiest man." Her overly white teeth shined in my eyes and caused me to wince. Her grin made me sick.

"Well you're sitting right across from him."

She just smiled and continued on.

"Yes, I suppose you're right. but what was it like for you to share such intimate scenes with him? You're new to the film industry, correct? Was'nt it a bit intimidating to share the screen with someone who has been in a Bond film, and most recently in the hit NBC show Hannibal?" 

"Well this is only my second film so yes I would consider myself pretty new to the industry. And even though 1953 was a bit of a larger scale film I was'nt in a lead role so it was a lot less stressful. But Sawyer, the director, is a old childhood friend so he new most of my limits, and that's what I appreciate the most, the fact that he was able to push me to do my best without scaring me." I smiled and looked over at Mads who was just looking at me. He grinned at me the way he always grinned at me. His nose scrunched up and his canines peaked through the curve of his upper lip. 

"Plus, Mads is such a great guy to work with," I broke my gaze and turned back to the lady who was sitting at the edge of her seat, "he is  very funny, even though he doesn't like to think so, and he is very easy going.

 The interviewer perked up a bit. 

"Well it looks like you to got very cozy with each other during shooting," she clasped her hands together and before either Mads and I could object she blurted out in a high pitch voice, "I am so glad that you brought up 1953. I absolutely love that movie. What was it like to be apart of that?"

 I glanced over at Mads who had that subtle look of annoyance that I had come to know so well. 

"Well...uhh...I mean it was an amazing experience working with all these great actors, especially Abigail, who wrote most of the script and helped direct some of the scenes. She is about my age so we got along wonderfully, and she is so talented. It was also very interesting to have Michael Fassbender play my father considering my own father and brother love him from his time doing X-Men." 

"Yeah? That is wonderful. Now tell me, sequel or no sequel? Because the ending was pretty much a set up for a second film, am I right?" The interviewer seemed somewhat genuinely intrigued. 

"Umm, well actually the movie is based on the series of short stories that Abigail wrote when she was in high school, so if you want to know the whole story you should read those. When I got the part I read all of them in two days and I just wanted them to keep going." 

"How many are there? I actually had no idea! I interviewed her about a year ago when the movie was in post-production and she didn't mention that!"

I could feel my cheeks heat up. I had completely forgotten that that was one detail she liked to keep a secret. It's okay. I will tell her when we have lunch tomorrow. 

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