City Of Forgotton Voices-A Jace Wayland Romance-16

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I stared up at Benna Carters small home. It looked like it would hold about two people and made out of brown and gray stones and it was so unkept it had vines growing up the sides while the grass was almost knee length.
"Is this the place?" Clary asked.
"Yeah, this is it," I said emotionless, "Let's go."
"Should someone stand out on gaurd?"
"No, I don't care anymore," I said, walking up the stone steps and knocking on the door. When no one answered I pounded on it as hard and loud as I could, "OPEN UP! It's Alyson!"
"Aly, you need to calm down," Simon said.
"Scew calm," I snapped when the door opened to reveal Benna, "So you are home."
"What are you doing here? How did you find me?"
"That doesn't matter, I need your help."
"I don't know you."
"I'm Alyson, you came to visit me."
"Alyson,'' her lips curled into a smile, "Come in, but your friends-"
"They are coming in too, them or nothing."
She frowned, "Fine, come in."

Her house was full of clutter and I could barely tell where anything was, "I figured you'd come with more backup then this."
"One's dead, another missing," Simon said.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"I need your help, then we'll be on our way."
"I can't tell you anything, you know that."
"They took Jace, someone I care about more than you know."
"What about your parents?"
"My father is dead, my mother still missing."
"Do you actually think you'll find them?"
"After what they've done to me, yes, I'll find them."
"They could've done worse."
"Worse? My father died right in front of me because of them, my mother could be dead, James-" I stopped, "My parabati James is gone, no one knows the pain of losing someone bound eternally to you, no one should lose the way that I have and I'm going to put a stop to it."
"You won't find them."
"Excuse me?"
"They'll be dead, the closer you get the more they hurt her."
"Your lying," I said.
"Benna Carter is dead," a demonic voice sprung out from Benna's mouth.
Alec grabbed me, "We need to get out of here."
"Where are they?"
"Like everyone else, they're all dead," her vessel laughed loudly, "Just like every other person in your family, you all think you are strong enough to take on the world but your not."
"Who are you?"
"Your worst nightmare," it hissed.
I grabbed my sword, letting it illuminate purple, "Who are you?"
It's black eyes focused on the sword, "You have them? You have the swords."
"Who are you?"
"I work for him, the one who took your parents away, the one who has your precious little boyfriend."
"He....he has Jace?" Alec asked.
"What are they going to do to him?"
"Him? Nothing? Your mother, she's already gone."
"You lie."
"In order to save the one person you have left you have to come with me."
"No, I won't go with you."
"Then we'll have to kill him."
I pressed the knife to its throat, "Where are they?"
I watched the demon  inside my Aunt smile, revealing rotted teeth, "Dig inside your mind, you'll find them."
"I don't know."
"Yes you do, think, think hard before its too late."
I blinked, a tear sliding down my cheek before the demon and the vessel disappeared, "It's no use, we can't do this."
"They have Jace," Clary said.
"I want to, I do I just," I sat on a chair before breaking down. "They killed my dad, my aunt, my mom, James, and now Jace, I can't take it anymore."
"Your strong, you can fight this," Simon said.
"No, I'm not, I say that I am but, I'm scared. I'm scared I'll lose the only things I have left."
The moment I said that realization hit me and I stood, "What are you thinking?"
"I know where they are?"
"My mom she....she had this old clothing store in New York, she would take me there when my dad worked late."
"Are you sure?"
"No but, it's a chance I have to take."
"We traveled all this way, we have to be sure."
"I can't be one hundred percent but, that's what my head is telling me."
"Or is it your heart?"
I looked at Isabelle, "Both."

I stopped on the sidewalk right in front of my mothers old clothing warehouse, empty amongst the street that used to be so full of life, "I'm not sure I can do this."
"Yes you can," Alec said.
"And if they're not here?"
"Then we'll look some more," Simon said.
"You guys should head back to the institute."
"You can't be serious?"
"I've lose almost everyone that I love, you guys are the only one's left."
"And if we don't go with you, you could die too."
"I'm going to die anyways, if I don't give them what they want."
"We're not letting you go in alone, do you understand/"
"Then Simon needs to go back to the institute, find our mother."
"No way, I'm not leaving Clary."
"Your the only one without proper training"
"Clary goes too"
"You haven't been trained like us," I said.
"I don't care, I'm going."
"Clary, go get my parents, they can call other hunters to find us."
"My mom, and Luke?" Clary asked.
"Bring them too, bring anyone."
"Are you sure?" she asked me.
"Go, we'll be okay."
She grabbed Simon's hand, "Come on."
"Who goes in first?" Alec asked, looking between the two of us.
"You two go ahead, there's something I need to do first."
"We'll wait inside."
I nodded, "Okay, I'll only be a seconds."
The door shut and I pulled out my stele, taking a deep breath, "Please work." I winced as the cold tip hit my arm, drawing out the perfect rune. I put it back into my boot before looking down at the immortality rune, covering it with my sleeve.

"Is there any basements?" Izzy asked me.
"Yeah, I think so," I said, passing an old mannequin that was covered with cobwebs.
Alec accidentally hit an old table that was still standing, making a loud screech noise, "Sorry."
"Do you want to be seen?" I snapped.
"I said I was sorry."
"Just forget it and help me find a basement."
We split up, taking different routes to find a door that would lead somewhere else rather than a showroom floor. I was running my fingers over the metal of the warehouse until I felt a lump, "Hey guys, I think I-"
I heard a scream and I spun around, coming face to face with the unknown demon blob we saw a day ago. It reached out, pain erupting my skull before I blacked out. TBC

AN: So I'm going to end this story in the next couple chapters and am thinking about a sequel...I'm still not sure yet, it depends if anyone would want to see more

City Of Forgotton Voices- A Jace Wayland Romance(REWRITEING ON AmortenaBlack)Book 1Where stories live. Discover now