Dream Three

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I dreamed that I was kidnapped and experimented on by the family next door. Before that I was with my family but, all except my mom, didn't look like my family. In my dream I had an eighteen year old younger sister, and she was dating this guy who was the son of the family who kidnapped me. This family that was now mine believed in privacy. Even to the point of letting the boyfriend stay the night. Well, rumors spread and in my dream I just knew they were true but no one else seemed to really think so. Mom (who still looked like my actual mom) confronted the younger sister in the bathroom, demanding to know if she and the boyfriend were sleeping together. The girl refused to say but when mom started yelling, she burst into tears, lied, and said no. Mom didn't completely believe her but left her alone. It was clearly that she didn't like the boyfriend at all after that.

When I was kidnapped by the neighbors, I don't remember what happened to me. What I do remember is seeing my dream family packing up to go on a camping trip. I was at a distance watching before I decided that it be best to keep moving. My decision was a good one especially when I noticed that the neighbors were on their way over to say hello. So, I began sprint away. I would have gotten farther if it wasn't for the cats that saw and recognized me. There was a lot of them and they meowed and start following after me. The commotion attracted my dream family and I started climbing a tree. The cats followed me up it and stayed around me trying to get me to pet them. I don't know how but i somehow ended up with a puppy in my pocket.

The dream family found and spotted me even though I was trying to turn invisible but it was taking too long. Everyone gathered under the tree in shock and happiness, glad to see me alive. I'd been missing a couple of days and they had worried. They started asking me questions like what happened to me, why was I in the tree, was I okay, etc, etc,. I told them that I had been kidnapped and would tell them everything very soon. I was afraid of telling them everything while the neighbors were still at the house. The neighbors were friends with my family also and they really liked them. So, telling them what had happened to me would be a huge shock. Everyone dispersed and the 18 year old sister said that she was heading over to neighbors house to hang out with her boyfriend and that she'd be back soon. She left and no one tried to stop her. That's all I remember

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