Dream Eight

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I had a dream but the weird thing was that it seemed like I was watching it as a movie with my dad. I never saw our faces but I heard our voices as my attention was focused on what happening. Apparently there were characters who's background stories were similar to those of Bible characters. Tom Hiddleston was a character in my dream and his character was putting those similarities together and discovered that they had to go on a quest for some reason. They went out and recruited three more people. The town's fool, the town's crybaby, and the prince. They called the town's fool, Fool and the crybaby they called Crybaby. The Prince had a name but it was forbidden speak it in his presence. The Prince was fair to look upon or so the people said but he didn't have a brain and said the most ridiculous things. He wasn't invited to join but he insisted on going along anyway. Fool was drunk all the time and no one could understand what in the world he was going on about or why. Crybaby had a nice round baby face and was 6'9 with curly blonde locks. He introduced himself as Crybaby because that's what everyone calls him though no one is sure why but they're pretty sure that he has forgotten his real name long ago. So it was Tom Hiddleston's character, three people who back stories resembled Bible characters but I never heard their names, Fool, Crybaby, and Prince. They were setting on their journey. While all this was happening they were all speaking as if they were in some sort of Shakespearean play. Then I woke up.

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