Dream Fifteen

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I had a dream that my brother Alex and his accomplice, who i was viewing everything from but wasn't me, were driving up in front of a school building. 

Alex, didn't look like Alex but I thought he was anyways, started saying, "Get me a background check on every kid in this school, okay? Find all the ones at are without family and close relations. We'll target those only if it comes down to it." He seemed nervous but confident like it wouldn't be necessary. He seemed like he didn't actually want to this but he had to. 

"Well, there's Armory," I said trying to use it to make him not want to go through with it. 

"Ah, yes, Armory," he sighed running a hand through his hair. "I know about him. I came up with his background. Put him on the list." 

We parked and I looked out the window and saw a kitten sitting in the middle of the parking lot. "Awww," I pointed. "Look at the cute kitty! Who would want to abandon such a precious thing?!" 

The kitty came up to the car and, when I opened the door, it jumped in and went over to sit in Alex's lap. Before I could close the door, another came in and then another. 

Then my dream changed. Someone was explaining how cats took care of their eggs and how they could nurse their eggs and the kittens when they hatched. Then told about the weird crouch they did when they were nursing their eggs. It all made perfect sense. 

I looked at the eggs. Some were colorful. There was a cat and her eggs were hatching but, as soon as they hatched, the kittens went running everywhere even though their mother was trying to feed them. I was thinking about was odd because I thought kittens were blind when they were first born. Then I woke up to my alarm and i really had to pee. I think that dream was caused because I was thinking cats and hearing birds outside my window.

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