Ghostly Love

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A/N This is a story that Wanted writer-love and gave it to me. So the 1st and 2nd chapter is from wanted writer-love but the rest is mine so enjoy!!!!



I've been dead since 1988. Accidentally murdered actually. Wait does that make sense? Well just in case it doesn't' my mother died when I was six of pneumonia so it was just my dad, my little brother Jordan and I. later when I turned 17 I was being a god damn idiot and started roller skating in the hallway upstairs; near the stairs.

And I have to admit I was probably the worst roller skater in our class. But what can I say… I was bored. So I was 'roller skating' well more like constantly loosing my balance and falling over. But I guess I was too blind to notice that I was putting my life on the line for some 'entertainment'. That's when Jordan came bursting out his room screaming about a mouse in his closet.

And on his way down the stairs acting like he was running for dear life he bumped into me somehow. Don't ask how. May the truth be told I don't know how it happened either. It just happened so fast! So I went tumbling down the stairs like Jack and Jill tumbling down the hill but without Jill and the hill…

And I broke my crown. Is that what the author meant? Because if they meant something else I just want to clear things up and say that I cracked my head causing blood force trauma and broke my neck.

So I died.

Now you're probably wondering why I'm telling you this.

And I'll tell you why.

It all started when I first laid my eyes on Ally Dawson in the year of 2000.

The love of my life.  

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