Ghostly Love Chapter 5: Guests and Regrets

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Hey you guys sorry for not updating sooner. It's been a crazy month and I had way too much homework. Then I had STARR Tests for like almost all my core classes. Then Finals and even more homework, but I am out of school so this chapter is dedicated to you guys! I hope you enjoy it and I mean if I get more than 8 comments for this chapter then I will update my stories, ALL OF MY STORIES, 4 days a week. For example I update all my stories on a Monday, then I'll post the next chapter on Friday. :) I have also been going through some hard times but I think I'll be okay! :) I hope you guys like this chapter! Disclaimer: I don't own Austin and Ally. And I am sorry it's shorter, but I'll try my best to make it longer for you guys!

Laura's P.O.V

I guess that girl wasn't next door. Oops. I think I just haunted a person, but hey, I

am a ghost. Anyways this is the second house away from Ross. Ross is wonderful

and amazing. I like him, I mean I like him as a friend not as in like like him because

that would be weird too. He's a human and I'm a ghost, It's just not possible.

Suddenly a voice popped in my head "That's right Laura, Ghosts and Humans can't be

together, that's one of the laws." What Laws? "The laws of life, I already told one of your

close friends about this." Which friend? Austin, as in Austin Monica Moon. "Yes. You're

dear friend has fallen into some difficult situation, he has developed feelings for this

human. He normally obeys the rules but this one, well he wasn't aware of it so now his

mission is to forget about Ally Dawson and I am giving  him exactly 2 weeks, there's only

12 more days left for him or else he will suffer the consequences." What?! Of course he

would fall in love with a human! He was always a hopeless romantic. "Well if he wants

to see his precious love he will have to do what I tell him!" And what does he have to

do? Kill her? Ha ha you're funny. "Well that could be an option but for now I told him to

stay away from her, but he isn't doing a great job!" Austin trying?! Now that's funny

and who is this girl he supposedly fell in love? "Her name is Ally..." Ally?, by any

chance is she the girl who's about 2 houses away from that um... guy Ross? "Why

yes Laura and how do you know this Ross guy?" Oh I know him because I sort of got

curious and wanted to hear his song, which by the way are good but he has no

inspiration. "So you just  listened to him?" Pretty much but he is no distraction,

besides I'm not like Austin, I know how to follow the rules besides I try to do what

they have ordered me to do and I know right from wrong. I smiled at my response

but immediately knew that I was lying. "That's good news Laura so where are you

headed towards? If I might ask since I'm a bit curious" I just sighed and thought if I

should actually tell him where I'm heading to. I'm just going to go pay a visit to Austin

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