Chapter 3: What's happening?!?!?!?!

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A/N Sorry I haven't posted it's been a really crazy week oh and...  Mine was good anyways here's the third chapter for Ghostly love sorry if it's short I promise that the next one will be longer. Ugh I got to do the disclaimer so... Disclaimer: I don't own Austin and Ally. This is becoming harder and harder every time. P. S: Review please!

Ghostly Love chapter 3

Ally's P.O.V

I was sobbing and Trish now became worried and was knocking on the door. "Ally what's wrong, what happened, c'mon let me in." But I didn't, because Austin was waking up. I stopped sobbing and said to Trish "it's okay I was just you know sad because my parents aren't here" "Wow Ally, just wow, you have 10 minutes to get yourself together and then I'll work on your make up again." I made sure Trish left and said "Austin are you okay?" He was stirred awake and said "Oh I just took a nap that's all" I knew he was lying so I sighed and said "Austin, you Fainted. Fainted, ghosts can't faint." "How do you know?!" I was so surprised he yelled at me. I mean he never not once, yelled at me. I then make my eyes hard and cold. "Oh okay, I see well I hope you're okay, now I'll just leave you alone" He opened his mouth to say something but I didn't need an explanation he just couldn't talk to me like that, so I said "Save it Austin, now let me go to Trish to get myself together and finish this Make-Over." He still wanted to say something so he grabbed my arm to stop me from going but I refused and pulled my arm away from him. And when I left him there, I saw the look on his face and I knew that he was hurt and angry but there was another feeling on his face, it looked like he was regretting it. Austin told me that when he did something he always meant it and that never ever will he regret doing things because he knows why. I had asked them why would he do that and he said because he wants to save those he love even if it meant breaking his heart. That was beautiful but I told him it was also selfish, because he's not letting the other person decide. Austin just chuckled and said "Sometimes there is no time to think and then you just have to act." That's when I knew I would want him to be there for me, I didn't know what that feeling was and I still don't. It's something I have never ever experienced. This feeling I get when I'm around is something I can't explain. I feel like I'm flying and when he's gone I'm still thinking about what we did, I want him near me every single day I just can't get enough about him. Sometimes I want to tell him "I can't get enough of you." Oh that's a good lyric. I scribble it down and I realized I'm in front of my door and Trish just got out and asked "Oh are you thinking about him?" I fake a smile and say "You have no idea" and that's true because she doesn't know who I am really thinking about. I mean it's not like I'm falling for him, right? It's not like I am already in love with him? Am I?

Austin P.O.V

Idiot. That's what I'm a fucking Idiot. I can't believe I pushed her away. Well I can believe it because my instinct to save the ones I love kicked in. The first thing I said I won't do and I did. Now I have to wait for Ally to calm down. What the fuck, no I won't. I won't wait for her, so I go to her bed room and I see Trish reapplying Ally's Make-up. Then i'm about to go into Ally's view until Trish started saying "You know Ally, i think you're doing a good decision, i mean Elliot already had a chance to get you and now that your childhood friend is coming he's going to want to ask you out. Luckily your childhood friend, who was once your crush, already asked you out!" Ally and Trish squealed, but mostly Trish. Wait, What?! Ally is going to go out with her childhood friend?! Who is her childhood friend, suddenly Ally said "I know right, but don't you think it's bad to use him just to make Elliot see that he has a crush on me?" then she mumbled "And what if I don't have a crush on Elliot anymore" Apparently Trish heard her too because she said "Really?! I knew you would come to your senses, didn't I?" "Yeah and the problem is..." "That you don't like your childhood friend and there is another guy involved. Don't tell me he's older, wait no he's younger, wait no it's Dez!" Ally was now blushing furiously, but why? Does she like Dez, but he's weird I mean don't get me wrong but he just isn't Ally's Type. At least he's not as dumb as me. And I thought Ally didn't have friends when she was little. For some reason i felt like he was as stupid as me. Then i listen to Ally say "It's none of the above i mean i'm pretty sure and why would you ever think i would like Dez?" Trish burst out laughing and said "Have you seen how he acts around you?" "Yeah and what's wrong with the way he acts around me?" "Ally I think he's in love with you" said Trish and i could sense that Trish was jealous. Aha why don't i force Dez to leave Ally alone and make him love Trish. What? I would do anything to make Ally love me but I think this is to the extreme, besides I want to win Ally fair and square and I don't want her to hate me. Wait She already hates me. Why can't tell her about what the old man told me? Oh yeah because if I do he'll hurt her and i rather have her mad at me than her getting hurt. I would rather die all over again just to keep Ally safe, Ally is my everything without her here I would probably be haunting people to death although that's not a bad idea. Anyways I want to be with Ally but the big problem is I'm a Ghost, cold and dead, while she's a Human being, alive and healthy. Why did I have to die? Wait nevermind because if i was still alive I would be older than her so let me rephrase that. Why couldn't I be born the same year as Ally? Yeah that sounds better. Then Ally speaks "I'm not in love with him and I don't think he's in love with me, I think he's in love with you Trish" Now it was Trish's turn to blush. "No that's not possible I mean I always act mean around him so how could he possibly love me? Me, out of all the girls in the fucking whole wide world. Ally do you hear what you're saying?" "Trish c'mon I know you have a crush on him" "What if I do, It doesn't matter because he doesn't feel the same way" "You don't know that" said Ally quitely. "Of course I do Ally!" screamed a furious Trish. I had to do something but i couldn't and i knew that Ally knew i was here and now she doesn't want me to interfere. I then said "Ally, c'mon let me help you she's angry let me just you know scare the shit out of her before she explodes" But Ally just shook her head and asked Trish or maybe me or maybe both the both of us "How do you know?" Then Trish started sobbing and when she was sobbing i said to Ally "I just know it, Ally" Ally wasn't convinced so she said "But you don't because you barely know her" I started to get frustrated with all of this so I said "Ally c'mon just..." then Trish interrupted and said "Ally who are you talking to?" Ally just glared at me "No one I was just talking to myself and do you think I'm that stupid? I didn't forget about our conversation." Yeah Ally likes to get straight to the point. "Ally he...he told me if he could tell me a secret. I said Sure why not and then right then and there he said and I quote I think I have a crush on Ally" then she started sobbing again, seriously what is going on there has been a lot of crying today. "Oh Trish when did he tell you this?" "About two years ago" said Trish then Ally stared at her and said "Trish seriously that was two freaking years ago I'm pretty sure he got over me" "Do you really think I have a chance with him?" asked Trish and like the caring and sweet Ally always is she said "I know so, now on with our make over" Trish smiled and said "You're the greatest friend I ever had" Ally just smiled and said "I know." Then she glared at me and whispered "Just leave me alone Austin I need some alone time" It felt like she shot me in the knee, I don't know how that feels but i think it feels that way. So i just turned and left Ally all on her own.

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