Chapter 4: Ghosts and Decisions

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A/N Hey you guys It's me! I have to do a disclaimer then you guys can read sooooo... Disclaimer: I don't own Austin and Ally or any other thing you might see in here.

Ghostly Love Chapter 3

Austin's P.O.V

I could not believe my eyes Ally choose... me! ME! After treating her like shit, she choose me! Ally said "Um,Ross I know you just came from Los Angeles, California, but I have to take care of something really important." I'm so happy, I see the other guys face frown and then he looks at Ally leave out the door and frowns It's like he can see me. But How? I don't want him to see me, wait what am I talking about. He can't see me unless I want him to see me. Then the guy grabbed MY Ally's wrist and then said "Ally do you ..." Ally frowned and said "What?" He then looked back at me and frowned and said "Um... would you um.. like to show me around when you have time?" I feel my anger boil inside of me, but I know that I can't let Ally slip away from me so I controlled my anger Inside of me. Ally smiled at him and said "Of course Ross, you know I'd do anything for you." WHAT?! She said the EXACT same thing to me. Now I really am Angry. And Jealous. I have all the right to be jealous. Ally kept on staring at that Ross kid until I gave her a slight push and she said "Owww! I mean Um Wow I need to go talk to my parents and tell them you're here so you can um leave now and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Okay?" I smirked and the guy was confused and said "Yeah. Okay um see you tomorrow at 2?" I wanted to punch the guy in the face. Ally just smiled and said "Yeah, that sounds great." The guy left and then Ally made sure he was a good distance away from our house. I stare at Ally and say "Ally, I thought you said you had no friends when you were little?" I sounded hurt and I knew Ally knew I was hurt and she said "I didn't, I came from Colorado. Me and Ross were the best of friends, but he left to California. Now he's in a band with his siblings and their friend, Ellington Ratliff. They are R5 and they are really talented." I wasn't totally buying her excuse. "So, what were you and Trish talking about?" She seemed frustrated "Austin, C'mon it was just girls talking." I sighed and said "So what I'm hearing is that you were just lying about dating guys, right?" "Why would you care, Austin?!" "I care because I don't want anyone to hurt you." Ally's face softened and said "But you are keeping things from me Austin, How could I trust you?" This time it was me who got angry. "Ally, Fine want to hear the truth well, yeah I did faint but it's because this old guy summoned me! When a ghost is summoned they suddenly faint to go to another realm! I was talking to this old guy about how I should be very careful!" Ally seemed scared and satisfied. "Austin, you know you could have just said that a long time ago." I couldn't believe what she just said. I just glared at her and turned around. "Oh C'mon Austin you can't be mad at me." I turn around to see her and said "You are absolutely right. I can't, so can you sing to me?" Ally just looks at me and that's when I suddenly realize her make-over. I look how all her clothes hugged her curves and then images of Ally screaming my name popped into my head. "Austin! My eyes are up here not down there." I suddenly blushed... wait nope. I can't blush but if I could I would. Ally also knew that and said "Like what you see?" "Oh no what have you done to my Ally." Ally just giggled and said "This new look gave me a boost of confidence and attitude." I looked at her and said "Did it give you enough to conquer your stage fright?" She glared at me and said "NO." I just chuckled and that's when a voice came into my head and said "Austin! What are you doing are you forgetting what I told you" I ignored it because I know I could never get enough of Ally. Never.

Ally's P.O.V

I was talking to Austin, but then he frowned. "Austin are you okay?" He looked at me confused and said "Oh yeah I'm okay, it's just I'm tired." How could he be tired? "Um... ghosts can't get tired?" He frowned and said "Ally I think I should just stay away from you." I was angry. How dare he say that! "Austin..." He then looked healthy and said "Caught you. I knew you would worry about me." He laughed like there was no tomorrow, then I start to play hit him. Then I realized I couldn't stop hitting him and for some reason I started to hit him even harder. "Ouch! Ally that hurts." I tried stopping, but I couldn't and that's when Austin grabbed my wrists and said "Ally? Why are you crying? I'm sorry I won't prank you like that anymore. Ally?" I didn't know I was crying but I was like "No I'm not..." The a sob came out from me. I guess I was. Austin took me into his arms and hugged me. I felt so much better in Austin's arms. I felt like I could stay in them forever, I felt complete, I felt like the most lucky girl in the world, and I felt like he was my other half. "Austin, you're warm." He chuckled. "Ally, it's because of you I'm hot." For some reason I blushed. "Austin?" A second of silence. "Yeah?" "I know this sounds weird but..." I hesitated for a moment but Austin said "Ally you can always trust me. You can tell me anything." I smiled, "Austin? Why were you mad when me and Trish talk about other guys liking me?" He was shifting uncomfortably and said "I don't want anyone to hurt you." I frowned "Why?" He sighed "Ally, I care about you and I never thought I could care about anyone as much as I care about you." I was 100% I was blushing a deep red like a tomato. "And..." I smiled. "And you are an amazing friend, A best friend a ghost could ask for." My smile faded, but Austin didn't notice. "Ally?" I nodded. "Have you ever fallen in love with someone you knew you couldn't be with even though you wanted to?" I felt my smile completely fade away and said "Yeah. Actually it is hard." He chuckled and said "I know what you mean." "Um Austin? Why do you ask?" He frowned and said "Because... my brother saw Cassidy and he wants to be with her but he's married and alive, while Cassidy is dead and really doesn't care about him." I didn't want to believe him but there was no sign of him lying. "Oh um if you want I can make Cassidy invisible to your brother." He looked at me like I was crazy. "You could do that!?" I smiled and said "Yep. I did it for a while and I learned that today." He was still processing it so I said "Remember Ross?" He looked puzzled so I said "My childhood friend?" he still didn't know "The guy who came?" He nodded. "Ohhh" "Yeah, well you were kinda visible to him so I was like How could he do that?! I panicked because I didn't want anyone to see you. You are like a sec..." Austin was smirking and said "So am I your dirty little secret?" I laughed and said "You wish, but you are one of my secrets." He shrugged. "Well it's better than being nothing." "Anyways I sorta said I wish Ross couldn't see Austin and I realized that you were now invisible to him. I was so surprise but I came to a conclusion and now I know I can make ghosts invisible to a specific human." I smiled and Austin was excited. "Ally, can you please make Cassidy invisible to my brother. Please?" He then started to make his puppy eyes. "Alright. So what's his name?" "His name is Jordan Moon." "Obviously his last name would be Moon." I smiled when Austin mumbled "I thought you didn't know" I started to say "I wish Jordan couldn't see Cassidy." I was happy because I felt a surge of power coming from the pit of my stomach. When it was finished I knew that it was complete. "It's all done. This felt amazing! I should do that more often." Austin smiled at me and said "I think you should go eat." I nodded and ate Chinese food. I kept on staring at Austin and I noticed how amazing his eyes are and how I love the way I feel when he's with me. I love everything about him, I love... "Ally?" I looked at his eyes and said "Yeah?" He shuffled from feet to feet and said "Can I ask you something?" I nodded. "Would you be mad if I asked you to sing one of your songs?" "Austin, why would you think I would be mad at you?" "Well, I asked you before and you refused." I realized that he was right. I never let him hear my songs. "Oh Austin, I am so sorry. I promise this time I'll sing you one of my songs. I'll even let you sing a duet with me." He smiled and that's when I realized that I had fallen in love with someone older than me. Someone who is my best friend. Someone who was dead. Someone who was a ghost. Someone who's name is the capitol of Texas. Someone who's name is Austin Monica Moon.

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