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Chapter 1: Fate

Everything is dark. Everything is quiet. Everything is... peaceful. The morning sun starts to illuminate my dark oasis as it rises in the sky. I lay there in my bed, faced down into my pillow. Next to me, lays my favorite friend. Eevee. The light gently lights up her face and she wakes up and yawns lightly. She twitches her cute little nose and then stretches out. I turn to my side and sigh. Eevee walks slowly up my bed to my face.

I can feel a cute little lick on my cool cheek. I awake slowly and smile to see Eevee. She smiles back.

"Morning!" Eevee exclaims.

"Morning Eevee." I reply softly.

She lies down  against my skin. I put my hand on her head and rub back and forth. I know she loves it. We just lay there. It's not like we had anything else to do. Like every morning, I don't check my clock. I don't really care about getting up and going to school. It's not like I hate going but... There is nothing special about my life. You see, I am a prince of a beautiful kingdom.

Eindoak Town is the capital of our fair kingdom. It is beautiful. Located atop a small, beautiful mountain chain, our town was founded after our castle was built here. Though, built here is undetermined. Legend says it flew here. Yeah right. As if a castle could fly. I live in Eindoak Castle with my parents, the King and Queen of Eindoak. Due to the legends of this town, the castle has acquired a special name. The Sword of the Vale. Every year, we have a festival for this. It is a tradition since long ago so we continue it. Today though, is not the festival. Today is just another typical day. Another typical morning and 3. 2. 1.

"Green!!!" I hear being yelled.

Right on time.

"Get ready Eevee." I say softly.

"I know what you mean!" She agrees.

I can hear loud footsteps upon the marble floors. I just wait there. Then, someone starts pounding on the door like bloody murder. Even though we were anticipating on it, we both still jumped when the banging started. Every day is the same, wait to be yelled at and jump sky high.

"Ye... Yes!" I say loudly. My voice cracks a little.

"GET UP!!!" The person says loudly back. It is obvious that they are mad.

"Ok..." I reply. I don't get up though.

"I MEAN IT!!!" They add.

I jump again. "I know." This time I actually get up.

Eevee stays on the bed and watches me. My room is very simple compared to everything else in my life. It isn't the biggest bedroom either. My bed is against the wall  with the window on it and the night table is next to the mounted headboard. There is a dresser on the opposite wall with the door, facing the bed. I have some bookcases and a nice chair in the left corner near the door. I love my room.

I get up and walk to the window. I open the window and look out. When I open them, a group of Pidove fly off the sill.  Ah... Eindoak Town. So beautiful. The wind is at a slight gust as it enters the room. My lushes hair dances in the breeze. I sigh. I turn and walk into the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth and put on the morning essentials. (Deodorant, lotion, etc.) After checking my hair one last time, I go out and open my dresser. So many thing I can wear together.

I go through the entire dresser. When I'm done, my room looks like a bomb went off. At least I am happy with the outfit I picked out... Wait... Where are they? (FAIL!!!) And where is Eevee? (EPIC FAIL!!!)

I see a pile of clothes moving on my bed so I assume that is Eevee and it was.

"REALLY!?!" Eevee asks a little annoyed.

 "Sorry." I laugh a little and pull the clothes off her.

I quickly remake my dresser and find my outfit I was going to wear. I put on light grey skinny jeans, a grey deep U-neck and a purple, long-sleeved cardigan style t-shirt over it. (It was no buttons but it connects at the bottom.) I put on my favorite grey ankle boots and a purple pendant on a silver chain. My outfit is golden. I grab my messenger bag, my sleepy Eevee and leave my room. I run downstairs to the castle kitchen like usual and grab whatever type of fruit that is easiest to grab in the fridge. As I am doing this, my parents walk in.
"Green? What's the rush?" My father asks curiously.

"I don't want to be late to school!" I say quickly.

My mom laughs. "Sweetie... Today is your graduation. School doesn't start until noon and ends at four. The ceremony takes place at six and the firework display starts right after that."

I stop and remember this. I put down the pear I grabbed on the counter and slap my hand against my head. My other hand is carrying Eevee so I can't use that arm for much unless Eevee sits on my shoulder which sometimes she does.

After a minute or so I begin to laugh. "Wow. I forgot my own graduation. Now that is sad."

We all laugh. Afterwards, me and Eevee go outside. We go out to the north gardens. Since this castle is shaped as a sword, the cross guards of the sword is equivalent to 2 large gardens on each side of the actual  castle which is considered the grip of a sword. Both gardens are full of all types of Pokémon for which they are all friends of mine. I interact better with Pokémon than other people they understand me better. Also, it is plain out easier to talk to them. (Or at least it feels like that to me.) Though I have much more Pokémon as friends, I have some human friends. They are the nicest and... unique people out there. Kris is one of my smart friends but man, when she gets to it, she can be one funny ass nerd when it comes to videogames and television. Julia is also one of my nerdy friends. She is amazing, a talented writer, and just plain out funny. Several other of my friends are like that... Well, actually they all are like that. Those are my people and I love them for that reason. I can't wait until the after party. I don't know where it is going to be but it will either be here or at Kris'. (We are usually the ones to throw parties anyway). I am SO excited I can hardly contain my excitement!!! 

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