Lost and Found

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Chapter 6: Lost and Found

"Hey mister!" I hear vibrating through the darkness I lay in. Ripples in the water form from these vibrations...

"Hello? Anyone in there?"

That voice... there it is again. Where is it coming from? I don't know. I don't know many things. I don't know where I am... Let alone who I am... I just want to get away from this dark place... It scares me. It's not that it is frightening but it just how empty it is... I don't want to stay. I don't want to stay...

My eyes open slowly. Light engulfs my vision as I awake. I turn my head a tiny bit to the side and water? I am in water? I look around. All I see are rock walls and water. At the top, a big whole in the rock which let in sunlight. I try to lift my hand to block the sun but my arm was in too much pain. Great so I don't know who I am but all I know is that whatever happened led to me being in extreme pain. Great start to things.

Wait? Where was that voice coming from? It sounded like a little boy. I wonder... No... It probably was just my imagination. I mean, who would be in the middle of nowhere let alone find me. Very funny...

I float in the water for hours... It felt like forever but in doing so, I was given some clarity. Sooner or later, even if I am in pain, I need to try and find my way out of here. The sun was setting when my eyed opened again. The sky was filled with magical shades of purple, yellow, orange, pink and so much more.

What I see is a boy starring straight down at me. A whole lot younger than me but... for some reason... he looked familiar.

"Green? Prince Green!?! Where are you?" I heard said on the breeze.

I look back at the little boy. All I see is him pointing at me. "Don't forget me." Where the only words said by the boy for then he left... What did he mean "Don't forget me"? I don't know him... Do I?

"He... Help..." I whimper softly. It echoes throughout the cave for several seconds but then dies out.

"Hell... o... Can... anybody here... me?" I barely am able to ask.

Again, there was no reply. Only echoes could be heard...

Nobody is going to find me. Why would anybody? It's not like I am important or anything. If I was, I would remember.


"Hello?" I ask softly.

Nobody replies but I can hear rustling of brush. I guess there are some top side. After a minute, the rustling stops. Not surprising. I guess the noise was from a random Pokémon. I close my eyes again and jus float there in silence.


My eyes jolt open. What was that!?! My eyes focus on the walls of the cavern. All I see are ripples getting larger and closer to me. I guess a pebble or something fell from the outside. As I turn my head to the north wall, I see a large crack in the wall. How did I miss that. I figure that, that is the origin of the pebble. I look back up into the beautiful evening sky. The sun has just set and the stars are awaking. The moon is full and the sky is clear. Right as a meteor flies by, I hear some noise coming from the north wall. I slowly move my head so I can see and what I see surprises me. A young trainer of probably 16 or 17 years. I can't hear what he is saying since my head is submerged but I can see him gasp. Just as he jumps into the water, my eyes close slowly.


"GREEN!!!" I scream. I throw off my bag and my heavy jacket right before I jump into the water. I swim so hard, it's not even funny. I pull him to the rocky shore inside the cave in great haste.

"Green, come back. Please! Don't give up! You can't give up!"

I get ready in the CPR position and check for his pulse. His pulse is dropping!!!

"GREEN DON"T YOU DARE! I don't believe in giving up! Stay, listen to my voice!!!

I wait for a voice, a sign, anything. After a minute or so until I check again...

Prince Green... is dead...

A/N: Don't go raging. The next chapter will have a twist in it so wait till then before going all nuts. Thanks. ^_^

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