Bal Masqué

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Chapter 5: Bal Masqué

*Knock, knock*


"Your highness, it is almost time."

"Yes. I'll be out in a minute."

"Your highness, your friends are in the library in costume."

"Thank you servant." I say, ending the conversation.

I am standing in front of my mirror. This is the last time I am letting my parents get my costume. I feel so weird wearing this. My favorite costume is to resemble my favorite type of roses. My favorite are white. My mask is white with gold trim. On the left corner, looking at the mask, there is a grouping of leaves with a red and white rose. My costume is a suit jacket and pants which are white with gold for the trims, buttons, cufflinks, and all those things. Also, I have a cape. Not an ordinary one. It is connected to my suit right under the arms and it grows at it reaches the floor. It is white with gold swirls/ trim and red roses. Around my neck, a white, silk scarf tied and fastened with a gold pin. My shoes are gold. My gloves, white. Everything is perfect except one thing. My costume doesn't come with a shirt. That is why I feel uncomfortable wearing this. The jacket and scarf covers my upper chest but my lower is totally exposed. It is not like I am embarrassed about my body. It's just... so many people I do not know are going to see me in this and worse of all, my friends are going to see me in this. What are they going to think? Oh god! Why does this have to be happening?

*Knock, knock.*

I take a deep breath and put on my mask. I futz with my hair for a second, then go and open my door. Maids are lined up on both sides of the door. "Tell the guards to open the gates."


I look back into my room and see Eevee. I chuckle a little. "Come on Eevee." I say smiling.

Eevee comes running and jumps up to my shoulder. When she is situated, I began to walk again. I walk down a less formal staircase, down to the floor with the library. Before I open the doors, I breath in heavily. Then, I open the doors. My mouth drops. Everybody: Kristin, Mathew, Shaina, Julianna, Red, Tara, and Elizabeth...

"You all look magnificent!" I say loudly and enthusiastically. I walk into the room and we all create a big circle.

"Hey Green, does this dress make me look fat?" Kristin asks while laughing.

"No... And if it did, you wouldn't care." I say laughing.

"That is so true." Elizabeth says.

"But in all seriousness... Matt that suit is great, you can keep it." We all chuckle while Matt blushes a little. "But seriously... Thank you all for coming. It really makes me happy to see you all came. Earlier was quite fun too. And I have learned that I will never be able to live down that I lost Mario Carts every single time but whatever."

"No you won't." Elizabeth says.

"Oh, hush up Lizzy." I say.

"Bleh." Elizabeth sticks out her tongue and then we all laugh.

"Prince Green." I turn my head and look to see my fathers right hand man, Monsieur Forte. Ugh! Great way to ruin a happy moment. He is always so depressing and heartless. When it comes to me, he is especially dark and evil in a sense. I don't like him but my father thinks he is a good advisor and musician. He thinks I can learn something from Monsieur Forte but oh... How much my father doesn't know. He is the one who truly needs to be enlightened.

"Excuse me. I will have one of the maids take you all to the ballroom. I guess we will talk again later." We all say goodbye for now and I leave with Forte. He leads me through hallway after hallway, stairwell after stairwell to my parents room. He gestures me to go through the door and smiles a demonic smile. It sends quivers through my spine but I don't show it. I then knock on the door and walk in.

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