The Plan

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Chapter 11: The Plan

"I'm ready Red." I call out softly. He opens the door and enters slowly. I'm still blushing a little from before and so is he but we pretend not to notice.

"Ok. Well..." He ravages the bag he put together early.

"Okay, you have a black button down or white v-neck with either khaki or purple colored jeans." He says while pulling them out to show me. I think about it for like a minute.

"I guess black, too much problems with white for today, and the purple pants. I like the color more than the khaki to be honest." He nods and puts back the excess clothing.

"I'm going to start with the shirt first. Is that alright?" He asks. Does Red really care about me?

"Yes." I said with a nod. He gently slides the shirt over my arms and pulls it forward. I go to button the buttons but he does them for me. Afterwards, I stand up and we futz with the pants. Surprisingly, they fit really well. I don't know if they where skinny jeans but they fit like them.

I walk to the mirror on my own which was another surprise since not even an hour ago, I could barely stand. I mess with my hair a little bit then I put on my pendant again. I see Red in the mirror and he smiles. I turn around and sigh.

"What's wrong?" Red asks. I walk over to his bed and take a seat.

"It's just... that you've known me only for a few days and yet you've done so much for me... How will I ever..." Red puts his finger on my lips.

"Shh... Don't worry about it. I'm doing this for you. Not for a reward or anything. Just for you..." My cheeks turn bright red again.

"Th-thank you." I say. A tear escapes from my eye and Red wipes it away with his thumb.

"Now, let's go before mom comes up here and drags us down there." I laugh a tiny bit and follow him downstairs. His mom was at the stove starting to make dinner and the tea was on the kitchen table. She turns around when she hears us come into the kitchen.

"I didn't know what you liked in your tea Green so I thought to cover all the basis." I smile as I take a seat.

"Thank you." I say. I pick up the milk and pour a tiny bit into my tea then pick up 2 sugar cubes. After stiring, I take a sip.

"Yum." His mom looks back at me and smiles. I look at Red and he's smiling at me. I blush as I take a sip of my tea.

"Red dear, can I talk to you for a second. Your not in trouble or anything." His mom says. He stands up and follows her.

"Oh Green dear, can you keep an eye on the stove? I'm making pan fried Chicken Cutlets." She comes back from the living room.

"Sure thing."

"Thanks." She leaves again.

I stand up and continue cooking the food. Aparently I'm a natural cook because I never cooked one thing in my life but I knew when exactly to take off the cutlets so they wouldn't overcook. They come back about 5 minutes later and the chicken is done. I put them on a plate with some paper towel to allow some grease to be absorbed.

"Oh Green, I didn't expect you to finish cooking. I'm sorry." She says coming back over to the stove.

"That's alright. I had fun cooking. I never knew I could." I say returning to my seat with my tea which is cool now. Red grabs the plates from on of the overhead cabinet's and sets for us in the kitchen.

Once I finish my tea, I place my cup in the sink and wash it. "Where do the tea cups go?" I ask.

"Oh, I'll deal with it. Thank you Green." I hand her the cup and she places it in one of the many cabinets.   I take the seat I was sitting in, the one in front of the window, and watch the sun starting to set. I look back into the room when I hear a close, soft bang which was his mom putting the platter of chicken on the table.

"Dig in you two." She says cheerfully. "I made... Actually, we made plenty so take what you want." She giggles a little for taking the credit on accident. I didn't mind. I just smiled and waited for Red to be done serving himself. I got it next and only took a couple of pieces. Unlike Red, I was brought up to eat a set amount and take more once I've completed what I have.

His mother talks about so many things during. I listen and respond in the ways to answer the statements. Her talking doesn't bother me; it's nice to have someone actually want your opinion. After dinner, his mother washes the dishes when I sit in the living room. The fireplace is on; the light is dancing on my skin; how much more romantic can you get if this was supposed to be?


I see Green in the living room alone so I go in a join him. I take the seat next to him and sip the cup of coffee I brought with me.

"Red..." I heard Green say abruptly. So I turn to him.


"I'm very happy that you opened up your home to me... and that I could spend time with you and your mother... But I kind of feel as if I'm overstepping my welcome." He say while looking down at his hands. I adjust myself to face Green and take his hands with mine.

"You're not. Believe me, my mom is perfectly fine with you being here." He smiles a little to this but he's still not happy.

"I know... but I mean being here, in Pallet Town. I feel as if I don't belond here..." I can see how much this is bothering him through his eyes.

"Well... what do you want to do? I mean, you can't leave during the day, we'll be swamped." I say.

"I know... *sigh* I just... Don't know what to do." He leans into my shoulder and my heart begins to race. After a moment of thinking, an idea pops into my head.

"We could leave tonight when nobody would expect and every bodies a sleep." I suggest. He looks up at me after hearing this.

"Where would we go?" Good question... Ah I know!

"We could go fly to Vermilion city on my Charzard. Then we could take the ferry to get to Castelia City in Unova which is the largest city of the region. In about a week, a Pokemon contest is being held at one of the event stadiums so... we could enter you and I could get my first gym badge in Unova." Green thinks about this for a minute then smiles.

"Seems like you've got it all planned out." I nod and he sighs.

"Then it's settled. We'll leave to night." 

And so... we did... 

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